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Israel Will Overcome. thereafter believe in nothing, they then prophets about the end of days. “Days
America? I’m Not so Sure become capable of believing in anything.” are coming, says Hashem, and I will send
famine into the land, not a famine for
Young Americans who abandon their
parents’ religious path are radicalizing bread nor a thirst for water, but to hear
t is not the gun that does battle, nor in ways previously unimaginable. A new the word of Hashem” (Amos 8:11). Our
the army that truly fights. The true Harvard-Harris poll found that 51 percent soldiers are thirsty for G-d’s word, for
war takes place far from the field of Americans between the ages of 18-24 Torah and mitzvot. “This tangible living
“Iof battle – deep in a man’s heart, believe that Hamas’ slaughter of Israeli thirst, which fills the practical lives [of the
in the hearts of the nations.” (Rabbi Moshe civilians “can be justified.” Given the high Jewish people] with its light… calls out to
Zvi Neriah) number of antisemitic incidents at Amer- the nation to wake up, rise up and shake
I recently met with a small group of Amer- ica’s top universities, it is reasonable to off the dust of humiliation” (Rav Kook, Orot
ican Christians in their 50s and 60s who assume that radical anti-Israel beliefs are HaTechiyah 1).
came to Israel to express their love of even more prevalent among the future America’s impending spiritual decline
Israel during this painful time. They called leaders of the nation. “The road to hell,” is real, and it does not bode well for the
it “the ministry of presence”; sometimes, Thomas Sowell prophetically said, “is future. But let us not forget that G-d has a
simply showing up and being present paved with ivy league degrees.” plan for the world, a plan far deeper than
makes all the difference. Still, I couldn’t Without the moral grounding that religion our human understanding can grasp. It
help but notice that the vast majority of provides, young people are struggling to may be that the spiritual decay of the West
Christians who support Israel are older. I distinguish between a genocidal terrorist is setting the stage for the day when all of
asked the group’s pastor about the younger group and the Jewish nation. Whether we the nations will turn to Israel for guidance.
generation of American Christians. “Will realize it or not, we are fighting a war for “And many peoples shall go, and they shall
they also support Israel?” With a pained the hearts and minds of America’s younger say, ‘Come, let us go up to Hashem’s moun-
expression, he said, “We’re not confident generation – and we are losing. tain, to the house of the G-d of Jacob, and
that America will make it, that America let Him teach us of His ways, and we will
will be there in the end. We’re a country Still, the abandonment of G-d and the rad- go in His paths,’ for out of Zion shall come
that no longer loves the Bible and G-d’s icalization of American youth is not inev- forth Torah, and the word of the L-rd from
word. There are no guarantees.” itable. The proof stands before our very Jerusalem” (Yishayahu 2:3).
eyes, here in Israel, where young people
The pastor has good reason to worry. By are on an entirely different trajectory from Perhaps that day is coming sooner than
all accounts, young Americans are turning their American counterparts. Our young we think.
away from religion in droves. According to people are more religious than their par-
the Pew Research Center, people who say ents’ generation. During our darkest hour,
they do not have a religious identity are they have proven themselves to be Israel’s Elie Mischel
projected to rise from about 30% today to “greatest generation,” selflessly fighting
over 50% in the coming decades. The main to protect our people and avenge the
reason for this shift is “switching” – Chris- atrocities of October 7. Filled with Jewish
tians deciding to no longer be Christian. pride and love for one another, they are
In other words, America is suffering from not only heroes, but also role models for
a spiritual crisis of epic proportions, with young people across the world. I have no
the vast majority of the dropoff taking doubt that this incredible generation of
place among young Christians between Jewish heroes, driven forward by their
the ages of 15 and 29. Millions of young faith in G-d, will lead us to victory over
Americans are turning away from G-d. our enemies.
This is hardly an internal Christian prob- The religious revival of our youth is no Rabbi Elie Mischel
lem. As G.K. Chesterton wrote, “When men accident, but rather a sign of the “great is the Editor of HaMizrachi magazine.
choose not to believe in G-d, they do not awakening” of our people foretold by our
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