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from across the spectrum and hundreds   destroy the Jewish spirit. Astonishingly,
        of solidarity missions continue to flow to   exactly the opposite occurs: “And to the
        Israel from around the world.       extent that [the Egyptians] persecuted
                                            them, the more they grew and expanded
        Along with this remarkable courage and
        selflessness has come a rare spirit of unity   in number” (Shemot 1:12). The more they
        – a deep sense of ‘all for one and one for   were afflicted, the more the population
        all.’ There is a collective commitment to   grew. The more Pharaoh sought to destroy,
        bring every hostage home and to destroy   the more he unintentionally built us up.
        Hamas’ terror infrastructure, ensuring   A powerful example of the refusal to
        that no such threat exists going forward.  remain down and the indomitable Jewish
                                            spirit can be seen in our daily prayers.
        The Region of Revival               Three times daily we recite Tehillim 145,
                                            known as Ashrei. Although the first letter
        The nation’s resolve to rebuild the   of every line follows an alphabetical order,
        destroyed Gaza Envelope communities is   the only letter left out is the letter nun. The
        another extraordinary example of grit and   Talmud explains that this letter is left out
        guts, symbolized by the name chosen for   because it is the first letter of the word
        the initiative to rebuild these destroyed   ל ַפַ ָנָ, which means “to fall” (Berachot 4b).
        communities. The Gaza Envelope region   Since there is a verse in the prophets sug-
        will now be called ה ָמָּוּק ְּ תְּ ַה ל ֶבֶ ֶחֶ, the Region   gesting, Heaven Forbid, an eternal falling,
        of Revival.                         this letter was left out. “Fallen, not rising
        Until now, this region of the western   again, O Maiden Israel; Abandoned on her
        Negev has been defined by its proximity   soil with none to lift her up” (Amos 5:2).
        to Gaza – the Gaza Envelope. From now   Judaism does not accept that the people
        on, it will have its own independent   of Israel will fall forever. There is always a
        name expressing neither geography nor   way back. Even a hint in a verse of falling
        the devastation of October 7, but rather   without recovery is against the spirit of
        the grit and tenacity of rebuilding and   Judaism. Indeed, the Talmud continues,
        resurrection.                       the Sages of Eretz Yisrael interpreted this
        The root of the name ה ָמָּוּק ְּ תְּ is “ם ָק,” mean-  verse differently. “You will not continually
        ing “to rise up.” It refers not only to getting   fall, Rise O maiden of Israel!” Israel will
        up from a seated position but also and   surely rise again from destruction.
        especially to rising up after having fallen.   The Land of Israel and the Jewish state
        On October 7, we fell and failed badly as   are themselves, as a whole, a remarkable
        a country and a people. But on that very   “Region of Revival,” creating an economic
        same day, we began to rise remarkably   marvel and agricultural oasis in what
        from the blood, lead and ashes.     was until recently one of the most barren
                                            places on earth. Just as we returned impos-
        A Jewish response                   sibly from a 1,900 year exile, we will, b’ezrat
                                            Hashem, bounce back with grit and deter-
        It will take years, but I have no doubt   mination after the painful fall of October
        that, with Hashem’s blessing, the Region
        of Revival will not only be rebuilt, but it   7. The region that suffered the greatest
                                            destruction and death in Israel’s history
        will also become one of the most thriving
        areas in Israel. Both the population and   will become a miracle of reconstruction,
        size of the communities will grow to many   revival and the celebration of life.
        times their original size. It is a priority for   It is the Jewish way. Together we will
        both the State of Israel and Jews all around   prevail.
        the world to ensure that this region of the
        western Negev teems with life and luster
        like never before.
        This is the Jewish response – to rebuild
        amidst the very destruction itself. We see
        a clear indication of such a response in
        the beginning of the book of Shemot. The
        new Pharaoh turns on the Jewish people,
        forgetting what Joseph had done for Egypt
        in her time of need. Pharaoh decrees cruel    Rabbi Doron Perez
        and debilitating slavery and harsh phys-   is the Executive Chairman          Kibbutz Nirim, 2 km from the Gaza border.
                                                      of World Mizrachi.
        ical labor for all the Israelites, aiming to                                              (PHOTO: MICHAEL CASHER)

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