Page 4 - HaMizrachi TuBiShvat 5784 North America
P. 4
Grit and Guts
Rising Up from Falling and Failing
Rabbi Doron Perez
ne of the most remarkable qual- Gersonides points out that the above verse Indeed, for a period of 6–8 hours on that
ities of the human spirit in gen- implies that righteous people stumble day, the Gaza Envelope was the most dan-
eral and the Jewish people in many times and pick themselves up each gerous place for Jews anywhere in the
Oparticular is grit. Grit is the inner time, whereas a wicked person falls only world since the Holocaust. It is hard to
strength to face hardship and adversity once and cannot overcome. The ability to comprehend that a devastating attack like
with unyielding courage and tenacity. The bounce back is a defining quality of suc- this could take place in an independent
resilience to confront challenges and fail- cessful spiritual living. Jewish state with the strongest army and
ures may be the most important quality the most advanced, technologically-driven
needed to succeed in life. If this is true for our individual struggles military intelligence in the region. It was a
it is most certainly equally true for our
Leadership thinker John C. Maxwell collective challenges as a people. This horrific failure of epic proportions.
highlights this powerful and salient point sentiment is clearly expressed by King How will we react, as individuals and as a
when he says that “the difference between David where he juxtaposes a Jewish army people? Will we be able to rise up from this
average people and achieving people is to that of their enemies in battle: “They failure with grit and courage and trans-
their perception of and response to fail- will stumble and fall but we will rise with form this dark time to one of light? Will
ure” (Failing Forward, 2007).
vigor. Hashem will provide salvation, the we overcome great challenges and change
Indeed, an indispensable part of life is King will answer us when we call on Him” this narrative of destruction into a story of
dealing with mistakes and failures. No (Tehillim 20:8–9). Rabbi David Kimche hope and building a better future?
human being has ever avoided failure and points out that the verse implies that Israel and the Jewish people’s response
sin. In the words of Shlomo HaMelech, the both Israel’s enemies and Israel stumble thus far has been mind-boggling and
wisest of all men: “There is no righteous in battle. The difference is that the enemy deeply inspiring.
person on earth who does only good and falls and crashes whereas Israel is able to
never sins” (Kohelet 7:20). Whether we will rise up from the fall with grit and deter- From the moment the surprise attack
fail is not a question of ‘if’ but rather of mination, ultimately prevailing. began, civilians and soldiers alike sprang
‘when’ – it is inevitable and built into the into action. Heroism emerged everywhere.
human condition. Civilians saved people they didn’t know
The greatest failure at enormous personal risk and soldiers
When we do indeed stumble, the criti- arrived from all around the country on
cal question we must face is – how will The events of October 7, 2023, Simchat that day, putting their lives on the line
we respond? Will we remain down and Torah 5784, is the greatest failure in Isra- and blocking Hamas’ terror with their
stumble further or will we pick ourselves el’s history. 1,200 civilians and soldiers very bodies.
up? Once again, the wisest of all men alike were butchered, murdered, burnt,
highlights how we ought to respond in raped and tortured in a way reminiscent The weeks that followed have continued
another of his books of wisdom: “Seven of the worst of the Crusades, Chmielnicki this remarkable self-sacrifice and tenac-
times a righteous person will fall and rise, massacres, pogroms, and horrors of the ity. Israel has seen the largest turnout of
but wicked people will stumble in wick- Holocaust. Hundreds of hostages were reserve soldiers in her history. Three hun-
edness” (Mishlei 24:16). Righteousness is taken of all ages and backgrounds – from dred thousand Israelis returned home to
not about never erring but rather about the then 9-month-old Kfir Bibas to ailing fight in the war – an incredible population
picking ourselves up when we do, dusting and elderly octogenarians. All of this in growth of 3% – instead of fleeing the war
ourselves off and continuing nonetheless. one day. zone. Thousands of global Jewish leaders
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