Page 16 - HaMizrachi#11_2019_Tisha_B'Av_USA_Neat
P. 16
America, Here We Come!
In another forward-looking
Mizrachi initiative, Israel's
"power communications
couple," Yedidya Meir and Sivan
Rahav-Meir, will embark on an
exciting journey as the World
Mizrachi Shlichim to North
America, where they will deepen
relationships between American
Jews and their Israeli peers.
On the eve of their departure,
HaMizrachi chats with them Rabbi Doron Perez with World Mizrachi's new shlichim, Yedidya Meir and Sivan Rahav Meir
and Rabbi Doron Perez, Chief
Executive of World Mizrachi, all sorts of events. Why leave all that need other ‘crazy’ people to make such a
about the upcoming adventure. for the States? dream come true. Rabbi Perez and Rabbi
SIVAN: Well, we’re not going to have to Reuven Taragin, Mizrachi’s Educational
Rav Doron, what was the vision? give all that up! But the truth is, when Director, were the movers and shakers
After all, one doesn’t usually hear of you’ve been working as a journalist in the behind this idea. They have a wonderful
high-profile Israelis going on Shlichut? Israeli media for years, you cover topics vision for Mizrachi and they’re work-
ing tirelessly to make a lasting differ-
RAV DORON: Over the last few years, that seem important, the day's headlines, ence to the Jewish people. We definitely
World Mizrachi has gradually been rais- but for a while now we've been sensing bought into their vision and believe that
ing Israel's profile across the globe and that the real headline is the gradual evap- strengthening Jewish identity over there
in the US in partnership with our US oration of Diaspora Jewry. and educating young (and old) Jews about
branch, Religious Zionists of America With all due respect to the two Israeli Israel are the most pressing issues today.
– Mizrachi. Whether it’s been hosting elections this year and our internal Israeli
mega missions to Israel, sending top debates, how can we just carry on dis- What are your plans for the coming
speakers to hundreds of communities cussing left and right here in Israel when year? What do you hope to achieve?
overseas (70 for 70, Israel 360), or even the majority of Jews across the globe are
the launch of this publication and the assimilating or disappearing? SIVAN: Well, we don’t expect to change
Tzurba M’Rabanan learning program, to the world overnight. After we settle down
mention but a few. The goal is engage- And although I believe that Yedidya and b’ezrat Hashem and get the children
ment, fostering a healthy relationship I have a lot to give, I know we can learn a sorted out, I’m really looking forward to
between Diaspora Jewry and Israeli Jews, lot from the Americans too. It’s certainly meeting people, and learning about them
and spreading the message of a vibrant, not all one-way and it’s not just “come and their communities.
living Torat Eretz Yisrael relevant to on Aliyah and all your problems will be And hearing lots of stories, because our
living as a Jew in the 21st century. solved.” American Jewry has built up a stories are what connect us to each other.
fine reputation over the years with an
Approaching Sivan and Yedidya, who education system second to none. And YEDIDYA: Thanks to World Mizrachi,
have been at the forefront of the Israeli of course unstinting support for Israel. we already have many invitations from
media for many years – and who person- But the issue is not the strong commu- different communities, schools, and
ify the young, relevant and meaningful nities over there. It's the young people organizations.
Torah inextricably linked with Israel that and the outlying communities without
speaks to young and old alike – was a the broader Jewish infrastructure and a The plan is to foster healthy relation-
ships, strengthen Jewish identity among
natural continuation of our mission.
strong sense of Jewish identity. the young people, and educate people
Sivan, what sparked the excitement on YEDIDYA: From our previous trips over- about Israel on a more intimate, personal
level than they hear and see in the media.
your part? After all, both of you have seas, we’ve seen just how critical the rela-
flourishing careers here, you're well tionship is between Jews in the Diaspora Yes, Mizrachi is not going to let us relax
known, with regular shiurim, newspa- and Jews in Israel. For both sides. But over there! We’re keen to spread the Miz-
per columns, and invitations to present to take it from knowledge to action, you rachi message, Torat Eretz Yisrael, to as
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