Page 14 - HaMizrachi#11_2019_Tisha_B'Av_USA_Neat
P. 14

Profits and


            here are few more blazing       They do not defend the cause of the    condition is sick and in a state of
            passages in the whole of        fatherless; the widow’s case does not   incipient decline. What Isaiah saw and
      Treligious literature than  the       come before them. (Isaiah 1: 21-23)    said with primal force and devastating
      first chapter of the book of Isaiah,                                         clarity is that sometimes (organized)
      the great “vision,”  chazon, that gives   Jerusalem’s fate was sealed not by   religion is not the solution but itself
      its name to the Shabbat before Tisha   conventional religious failure but by the   part of the problem. It has always
      B’Av, the saddest day of the Jewish   failure of people to act honestly. They   been tempting, even for a nation of
      year. It is more than great literature.   engaged in sharp business practices   monotheists, to slip into magical
      It expresses one of the great prophetic   that were highly profitable but hard   thinking:  that  we  can  atone  for  our
      truths, that a society cannot flourish   to detect – mixing silver with baser   sins or those of society by frequent
      without  honesty  and  justice.  It  could   metals, diluting wine. People were   attendances at the Temple, the
      not be more relevant to our time.     concerned  with  maximizing  profits,   offering of sacrifices, and conspicuous
                                            indifferent to the fact that others would   shows of piety. Few things, implies
      The Talmud (Shabbat 31a) states that   suffer. The political system too had   Isaiah, make G-d angrier than this:
      when we leave this life and arrive    become corrupt. Politicians were using
      in the World to Come, the first       their office  and  influence  to  personal   “The multitude of your sacrifices –
      question we will be asked will not be a   advantage. People knew about this or   what are they to Me?” says the L-rd…
      conventionally religious one (Did you   suspected  it  –  Isaiah  does  not claim   “When you come to appear before
      set aside times for learning Torah?)   to be telling people something they   Me, who has asked this of you, this
      but rather, Did you act honestly      didn’t already know; he does not expect   trampling of My courts? Stop bringing
      [be-emunah] in business? I used to    to surprise his listeners. The fact that   meaningless offerings! Your incense
      wonder how the rabbis felt certain    people had come to expect no better    is detestable to Me … I cannot bear
      about this. Death is, after all, “the   from their leaders was itself a mark of   your evil assemblies. Your New Moon
      undiscovered country, from whose      moral decline.                         festivals  and  your appointed  feasts
      bourn no traveler returns.”  The                                             My soul hates. They have become a
      answer, it seems to me, is this passage   This, says Isaiah, is the real danger:   burden to Me; I am weary of bearing
      from Isaiah:                          that   widespread  dishonesty  and     them. When you spread out your
                                            corruption saps the morale of a        hands in prayer, I will hide My eyes
      See how the faithful city has become   society, makes people cynical, opens   from you; even if you offer many
      a harlot! She once was full of justice;   up divisions between the rich and   prayers, I will not listen.”
      righteousness used to dwell in her—   powerful and the poor and powerless,
      but now murderers! Your silver has    erodes the fabric of society and makes   The corrupt not only believe they can
      become dross, your choice wine is     people wonder why they should make     fool their fellow humans; they believe
      diluted with water. Your rulers are   sacrifices for the common good if      they can fool G-d as well. When moral
      rebels, companions of thieves; they   everyone else seems to be bent on      standards begin to break down in
      all love bribes and chase after gifts.   personal advantage. A nation in this   business, finance, trade and politics, a

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