Page 10 - HaMizrachi#11_2019_Tisha_B'Av_USA_Neat
P. 10
Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon Rabbanit Sharon Rimon
Seudah HaMafseket
on Shabbat
he beraita in Ta’anit (29b) says is a Seudah HaMafseket, whose rules fast, in holiness and with the appropri-
that when the Ninth of Av are more lenient because of Shabbat. ate solemnity.
Toccurs on Shabbat, or when the However, Rashi (Ta’anit 29b) writes
eve of the Ninth of Av occurs on Shab- that on the eve of Tisha B’Av which IN PRACTICE
bat, one need not reduce the amount falls on Shabbat, one does not stop his
of food one eats; rather, one may eat meal, nor does he eat less, but rather The Mishna Berura states that it is
and drink as much as one requires and eats all he needs and sets his table just customary to eat Seudah Shlishit as
put a meal on one’s table even like that like the meal of Solomon. usual, and it is forbidden to refrain
of King Solomon in his time. from eating meat and drinking wine
Rashi suggests that there is no Seudah because that indicates mourning on
The Rishonim disagree whether the HaMafseket on Shabbat. Shabbat. The Mishna Berura debates
beraita is implying that it is permitted whether it is proper to sit at this meal
to eat a meal similar to that of Sol- This question connects to a broader in sorrow, without friends, like a regu-
omon (but perhaps it is better to be discussion: do we observe the private lar Seudah HaMafseket (Magen Avra-
stringent), or whether one is required mourning of Tisha B’Av on Shabbat, ham), or is that considered mourning
to eat a large and beautiful meal in but not public mourning? (Or Zarua, in public (Bechor Shor)?
honor of Shabbat, as usual. HaMaharil and the Rama rule this It would seem that the Mishna Berura
way). Or are the laws of mourning not
According to the Ra’avya, it is permis- observed at all on Shabbat, not even is lenient, and a family meal is permit-
sible to eat meat and drink wine, but in private (Ramban, Rashba and the ted, even with a zimun.
there are those who do not as there is Rosh, as well as the Shulchan Aruch According to the Igrot Moshe, not
no such obligation. Similarly, Shibolei and the Vilna Gaon rule this way). only is someone who is accustomed to
HaLeket states that on this Shabbat, eat meat for Seudah Shlishit permitted
starting at midday, there are those Another explanation of the disagree- to do so on this Shabbat, but also one
who do not eat meat or drink wine. ment pertains to the nature of the who is not accustomed to and specif-
Seudah HaMafseket. The Seudah
However, the Shibolei HaLeket him- HaMafseket is a meal of mourning ically wants to on this Shabbat. It is
self writes in the name of Rabbi Avig- (and therefore should not be eaten on also permitted to sing zemirot at this
dor Cohen Tzedek, that one should Shabbat). However, Rav Soloveitchik meal even if one does not regularly
not refrain from eating meat and explains that the Seudah HaMafseket sing at Seudah Shlishit.
wine even at the Seudah HaMafseket is not related to mourning, but a law It seems that one can eat as usual,
on Shabbat, so as not to mourn on connected to fasting; an indication and even add food to be stronger for
Shabbat. Maimonides (Ta’anit 5: 8-9) of the start of the fast (and therefore the fast (although he should not say
also rules that one should eat Seudah that he is adding for the fast), and
Shlishit as a meal of Solomon, includ- there is a Seudah HaMafseket even on even eat meat and wine. However, one
ing meat and wine (even if Tisha B’Av the eve of Yom Kippur, even though should not be excessively joyful over
itself falls on Shabbat). there is no mourning there). It is pos-
sible that this is the basis for the opin- and above the happiness of a regular
What is the basis of the dispute? ion that on principle we should eat Shabbat.
a Seudah HaMafseket on Shabbat as
When the eve of Tisha B'Av (or Tisha well. With G-d’s help, through the sanctity
B’Av itself) falls on Shabbat, is the of Shabbat, may we merit to see the
Seudah HaMafseket eaten without Bearing in mind that Tisha B’Av needs consolation of Zion, speedily in our
mourning (to honor Shabbat) or is preparation, if there is no Seudah days!
there no Seudah HaMafseket at all? HaMafseket on Shabbat, a meal Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon is Head of Mizrachi’s
According to the opinions that advo- worthy of King Solomon must also be Shalhevet Educational Advisory Board and
cate eating less meat and wine, there a fitting preparation for us to enter the Chairman of Sulamot
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