Page 8 - HaMizrachi#11_2019_Tisha_B'Av_USA_Neat
P. 8

Rabbi Dr. Jerold Isenberg


         n the midst of the 2014 Gaza war,   Israel, but  “family”  transcends  biol-  mitzvah observance and good deeds.
         there was a special funeral. As    ogy. Max personified love and chesed   But we also need something else: to
     Iexpected, it was sad, an honor to     with his helpful disposition. And he   express  hakarat hatov (gratitude) for
      a life cut short and a measure of com-  was resolute. With his poor Hebrew   the soldiers who demonstrate the
      fort to the mourners. Unexpectedly,   language background, he was not        highest form of  gemilut chasadim
      it was a perceivable demonstration of   accepted into the Golani Brigade at   (benevolence) every day. Putting their
      extreme unity.                        first. Instead of settling for a different   lives on the line to protect someone
                                            assignment, he went back to the US,    else’s life. 1
      My wife and I joined an estimated     improved his Hebrew skills and reap-
      30,000 others on Mt. Herzl to pay     plied. His grit and determination paid   Precisely what Max Steinberg did.
      final respects to Max Steinberg, a    off, and moreover, eventually earned
      young man from California, who        him the highest marks in his training   His family, friends and officers all
      two years earlier had participated in   and the utmost respect of his com-   spoke of his smile and modesty. His
      Taglit-Birthright. It opened his Jewish   rades and officers.                joy of life and his strength of charac-
      eyes, convincing him that Israel was                                         ter. But mostly they told of his com-
      his true home and inspiring him to    He was killed in action in Gaza.       mitment to Israel. A dedication born
      join the IDF.                                                                of his conviction that for a Jew, Israel
                                            Max’s parents, whose very first visit to
      Max  was  laid  to  rest  on  that  hot   Israel was to bury their son, said they   was home, and for him, protecting
      Wednesday morning.                    had no regrets. Max’s entire life had   that home was life’s highest purpose.
                                            been a blessing. They found solace     Throughout the funeral, red alert
      The light rail to the military ceme-  and comfort in his heroism and ded-
      tery on Mt. Herzl was an experience;   ication to his new connection to his   alarms on smartphones were indicat-
      huge  crowds  in  confined  spaces.  At                                      ing Gazan rockets targeting the south.
      every station hundreds watched over-  roots and his people. As Max’s father   This underscored the significance of
                                            and brother said Kaddish, the  “Amen
      stuffed train cars pass them by. The   Y'hei Shmei Raba…” of thousands of    what Max had died trying to accom-
      throng swarmed over every walkway                                            plish. The unfinished mission, the
      and climbed onto rocks and retain-    co-mourners filled the mountaintop     objective still to be attained.
                                            in a tangible manifestation of  achdut
      ing walls. The mountain top seemed
      incongruously alive.                  (unity).  Dati-leumi,  charedi,  chiloni,   Not in his death, but in his life, Max
                                            native  and  tourist,  soldier  and office   Steinberg taught us about the oneness
      Suddenly, I was struck by the moment.   worker, student, professional, babe-  of Klal Yisrael. A young man, neither
      All that had happened in the previous   in-arms, elder with cane and every-  dati nor  chiloni. Just a young Jewish
      weeks: kidnappings, murders, rockets,   one in between – all backgrounds,    man. He felt the connection to Israel,
      ground action, terror tunnels, sacri-  all uniforms, all flavors of Jews came   to his roots, to his people; to their rich
      fices our brave soldiers had made, all   together for 90 minutes to share the   history and their magnificent destiny,
      came together. The quiet in the air   grief. As the chazzan’s booming voice   and he answered their call for help.
      was broken by an announcement –       recited the  tefillot, it was chilling in   Max reached across the ocean and tied
      what to do if the air raid siren went   its pureness and its timeless connec-  his California family together with his
      off during the funeral. As if the mul-  tion to Yahadut, a unifying encounter   newfound family in Israel. We all need
      titude could somehow find shelter. It   that bound  all of us together on that   to emulate that achdut.
      reminded me of the “duck and cover”   mountain.
      drills during the Cold War. Duck,
      cover and pray, was the message.      In these days around Tisha B’Av, when
      Thank G-d we heard no sirens that     we mourn the churban, shedding tears   1  As explained by Rav Aharon Lichtenstein.
      morning.                              for the past, and expressing prayers for   Rabbi Dr. Jerold Isenberg is Chancellor
                                            the future – for the rebuilding of the   Emeritus of Hebrew Theological College and
      Max was a chayal boded – a lone sol-  Beit HaMikdash – we need to pray       Executive Director of Mizrachi – Religious
      dier.  He  had  no  blood  relatives  in   better, learn more, and increase our   Zionists of Chicago

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