Page 5 - HaMizrachi#11_2019_Tisha_B'Av_USA_Neat
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Rabbi Reuven Taragin                                               Rabbanit Shani Taragin

                                   ELIYAHU AT THE DOOR…

                                            OF DESTRUCTION

           liyahu is generally associated   Eliyahu teaches him at the door that   our past and cry with Rabbi Yose in
           with our doors on the eve of     time does not stand still and that Rabbi   a state of destitution and despair. But
      EPesach as we wait for him to         Yose should not live his life focused on   Eliyahu HaNavi waits for us by the
      herald the  Geula. The Shulchan       destruction and what was lost. Rather,   threshold  like  on  Pesach,  teaching
      Aruch teaches a mnemonic device       he should “pray on the road” –  learn-  us how to progress from a state of
      (known as  a”t ba”sh) through which   ing how to move on and relate to G-d   destruction to a state of redemption.
      to remember special dates of the      through tefilla as part of a rebuilding   He doesn’t interrupt Rabbi Yose in
      year based on the first holiday of the   process. Even if passers-by may inter-  the churva but waits at the door until
      Jewish calendar – Pesach. The first   rupt – even if the road is beset with   he finishes his prayer. He allows us to
      day of Pesach is parallel to the day of   numerous distractions and setbacks   mourn  but  reminds  us  that  there  is
      Tav = Tisha B’Av (i.e. they will always   – it is still preferable to pray and prog-  a road ahead that leads to rebuilding.
      fall out on the same day of the week).   ress along a road than staying inside a   And in the interim, we have a means
      Additionally,  ּוהּול ְ כאֹי םי ִ רֹור ְ מּו תֹו ּ צ ַ מ: both   ruin.       of maintaining a relationship with G-d
      days have associations of potential   Eliyahu is at the door to encourage and   through prayers and Torah learning as
      redemption  (as  Mashiach  is born on   instruct us to move forward and not   a community.
      Tisha B’Av ) and memories of bit-     be stunted by destruction. Our  tefil-
      terness! And so, on Tisha B’Av, like on   lot should not be focused on the past   Eliyahu  assures  Rabbi  Yose:  “When-
      Pesach,  we  hear  echoes  of  Eliyahu  by   – but as we say three times a day –   ever  the  Jews  go  into  the  synagogues
      our doors as he is associated with the   בּו ׁש ָּ ת םי ִ מ ֲ ח ַ ר ְּ ב ך ְ רי ִ ע םִי ַ ל ָ ׁשּורי ִ ל ְ ו, they express   and  schoolhouses  and  respond:  ‘May
      coming of the Final Redemption.       a trajectory for the future.           His great name be blessed!’  the Holy
                                                                                   One, blessed be He, shakes His head
      In fact, in many accounts we find Eli-  After teaching Rabbi Yose to beseech   and says: Happy is the king who is
      yahu by our thresholds – suspended in   G-d  baderech (on the road), and not   thus praised in this house! Woe to the
      time and space between worlds – this   in a churva, Eliyahu continues to offer   father who had to banish his children,
      one, and the World to Come; between   an alternative, preferable suggestion   and woe to the children who had to
      inside  and out,  between  parents and   – enter as a community into the Beit   be  banished  from  the  table  of  their
      children. Eliyahu is confronted by    Knesset and  Beit Midrash! When we     father!”
      G-d at the door of a cave in Chorev,   are in a state of galut, our synagogues   And we are confident in the knowl-
      appears to Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai    and houses of study are the greatest   edge that by the door awaits the
      after 12 years at the door of his cave   alternatives to the Beit HaMikdash.   prophet who will restore the Father
      and to Rabbi Yehoshua HaGarsi (Rabbi   They  demand  a  greater  effort  on  our   to the children and the children to the
      Akiva’s devoted attendant) at the door   part, because immediate communica-  Father!
      of his home. Similarly, he confronts   tion and revelation are not manifest
      Rabbi Yose at the door of a churva – a   as in the Mikdash, but echoes of G-d
      ruin of Jerusalem – and teaches him,   responding  to  our blessings may  still
      and us, numerous messages in the      be heard. The reality and challenge of   1   Orach Chaim 428:3.
      wake of destruction.                  galut is to recognize what we have lost   2  Jerusalem Talmud, Berachot 2:4.
                                            and what we are lacking while simulta-  3  See Malachi 3:23.
      Rabbi Yose is searching for a means to   neously working on our current rela-  4  Based on Berachot 3b.
      connect with G-d post-churban and     tionship with G-d with what we have
      enters a  destroyed building  to  pray,   in the present.                    Rabbanit Shani  Taragin is Educational
      indicative of his psychological and                                          Director of Mizrachi and the Director of the
      emotional  state. He  can only  relate   Every Tisha B’Av we re-enter the    Mizrachi Matan Lapidot Educators’ Program
      to G-d through the ruins of the past!   churva as we remember the glory of

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