Page 11 - HaMizrachi#11_2019_Tisha_B'Av_USA_Neat
P. 11

Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon                                                              Rabbanit Sharon Rimon

                                              Redemption from

                                                 the Destruction

            he  destruction  of  the  Temple   people in their Land. In addition to   Even Eicha, which laments the
            and Jerusalem was obviously a   these prophecies  of redemption,  the   destruction, ends with a tone of hope
     Tmajor crisis in the history of the    Tanach describes the destruction in    (Lamentations 5: 19-22):
      Jewish people. How could we continue   a way that leaves possibility for hope.
      to exist after such a catastrophe?    For example, both Kings and Jeremiah   “But You, O L-rd, are enthroned
      How can the Jewish nation continue    conclude with the improvement of the   forever, Your throne endures through
      to believe in a close connection with   status of King Yehoyachin in Babylon   the  ages.  Why  have  You  forgotten  us
      G-d? How will we live in exile?       (Kings 2 25: 27-28 and Jeremiah 52:    utterly, Forsaken us for all time? Take
                                            31-32):  “In  the  thirty-seventh  year  of   us back, O L-rd, to Yourself, And let us
      The Midrash describes the concept     the exile of King Yehoyachin of Judah,   come back; Renew our days as of old!
      that the Shechina went into exile with   King  Evil-Merodach  of  Babylon,  in   For truly, You have rejected us, Bitterly
      Israel, and will be with them there   the year he became king, took note of   raged against us. Take us back, O L-rd,
      until their return to the Land of Israel.  King Yehoyachin of Judah and released   to Yourself, And let us come back;
                                            him from prison. He spoke kindly to    Renew our days as of old!”
      This is not a simple idea. The
      destruction  could  have  brought  the   him.”                               Thanks to the hope that the prophets
      people to the conclusion that G-d     Improving the status of Yehoyachin     imparted to the people of Israel during
      had abandoned them, and they were     gives hope to the  exiles in Babylon   times of great tragedy, Israel continues
      no longer the Chosen People. Ezekiel   that their situation will improve, and   to hold faith in G-d and retain the
      describes  the  people’s  thoughts:   that there will be a continuation of the   connection with the Land of Israel.
      “When you say, ‘We will be like the   House of David.                        Am Yisrael has survived thousands of
      nations, like the families of the lands,                                     years of exile, preserving its identity
      worshiping wood and stone.’” (Ezekiel   Chronicles ends with an even greater   and, in recent generations, has been
      20:32).                               hope (Chronicles 2 36: 22-23): “And in   privileged to experience the beginning
                                            the first year of King Cyrus of Persia,   of the Final Redemption.
      Even  after  the  destruction,  Jeremiah   when the word of the L-rd spoken by
      and Ezekiel invest great efforts to   Jeremiah was fulfilled, the L-rd roused   Hope for a better future is not just
      ensure that the people will remain    the  spirit of  King Cyrus  of  Persia   a comfort. It represents a deep
      with G-d. The Divine Presence did     to issue a proclamation throughout     understanding of the nature of the
      leave the Temple (as Ezekiel describes   his realm by word of mouth and in   relationship between G-d and His
      the  chariot  of  the  Shechina  leaving   writing, as follows: ‘Thus said King   nation, the assembly of Israel. G-d
      the Temple in stages), but not the    Cyrus of Persia: The L-rd G-d of       wants what is best for us. Am Yisrael
      people of Israel. As we have said, the   Heaven has given me all the kingdoms   have a great role in the world, and even
      Divine Presence accompanied them      of the earth, and has charged me with   if we undergo periods of darkness, we
      throughout the years of exile.        building  Him  a  House  in  Jerusalem,   will ultimately carry out our special
                                            which is in Judah. Any one of you of all   mission.
      The  Tanach  makes  sure  to  leave   His people, the L-rd his G-d be with
      the Jewish people with hope for       him and let him go up.’”               Through reading the consolation
                                                                                   that follows the destruction, we are
      redemption. How does it build that                                           strengthened by the understanding
      hope?                                 The Tanach concludes not with the
                                            destruction but with the great hope    that G-d loves us and has appointed us
      The Tanach is full of great prophecies   for redemption – the declaration  of   to be His messengers to the world.
      of salvation, which promise the       Cyrus, which will be followed by the   Rabbanit Sharon  Rimon  teaches Tanach
      ingathering of the exiles and the     return of Zion and the construction of   and is Content Editor for the Tanach website
      renewed prosperity of the Jewish      the Second Temple.           
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