Page 24 - HaMizrachi#11_2019_Tisha_B'Av_USA_Neat
P. 24


                                                                                    Dr. Efrat Sobolofsky

       Three Dates,

            Three Relationship Lessons

            here are three significant      Rabbi Akiva perceived the fox’s exit as   when dealing with our nearest and
            dates on the calendar in the    a sign of life and hope, understanding   dearest, we may be granted the
     Tcoming weeks from which we            that just as the prophecies of         blessing of having G-d and others view
      can glean important themes to guide   destruction have been fulfilled, the   us with a gentle eye.
      our interpersonal relationships: Tisha   promises of redemption will follow.
      B’Av, Tu B’Av and Rosh Chodesh Elul.  Using this mindset to reflect upon the   Giving others the benefit of the doubt
                                            churban teaches us to be optimistic    whenever possible invites closeness
      TISHA B’AV                            and focused on the rays of geula       into our everyday relationships. To
                                            (redemption). So too, emphasizing      quote  a  piece of  advice given  by  a
      There is a striking statement of      the positives and highlights of others   busy matchmaker to those she is
      Chazal concerning one of the causes   are essential to developing and        working with: “he or she isn’t a mind
      of the  churban (destruction): the    maintaining meaningful interpersonal   reader, the other person may not
      destruction of the Beit HaMikdash     relationships.                         know that you prefer this or that,
      is partly attributed to the insistence                                       etc.” Fill in the blanks as you wish.
      of  the  Jewish  people  on  adhering  to   ROSH CHODESH ELUL                “Share your preferences, likes and
      the  intricacies  of  monetary  laws with                                    dislikes with her or him and see how
      one another. This seems puzzling,     We learn two lessons from the month    the person reacts before prematurely
      as presumably as Torah Jews, we are   of Elul. First, we all have the ability to   misjudging or ending a relationship.”
      commanded to be scrupulous in our     do  teshuva (repentance) and change    This is not, G-d forbid, to indicate
      observance  of  monetary  laws.  Yet   our ways. Even if we displayed certain   that we should irresponsibly overlook
      within the same rubric of Halacha,    attitudes and behaviors in the past, we   worrisome  issues  or  character  traits.
      there is a concept known as  lifnim   have the opportunity to recalibrate,   Of course, we should consider them
      mishurat  haDin  –  acting  above  the   improve,  and  start afresh.  Second,  in   with great seriousness and caution.
      letter of the law. We are advised,    the  prayers  throughout  the  month   Yet, sometimes we raise alarms over
      in  many  instances,  not  to  be  too   of Elul, we beseech G-d to have     less significant things, tainting the
      demanding or exact with every penny   erech apayim – to be patient with      potential for meaningful relationships
      or item owed to us, but rather to be   us. We beg Him not to use a precise   to flourish.
      more forgiving and less stringent when   measuring tool when evaluating
      possible. Likewise, we are encouraged   our year, but to be kind and judge us   Maintaining  a  positive  outlook,
      to apply the same concept to our      favorably. The pathway to merit His    an  eyin tovah, being optimistic
      interpersonal relationships.          patience and compassion is for us      whenever possible and “letting go”
                                            human beings to demonstrate the        advances opportunities and endears
      TU B’AV                               same  middot (virtues) toward others   relationships. Finally, and perhaps
                                            and to emulate His ways.               most importantly, as we learn from
      There  are  many  historical  events
      connected to this joyous day, including   These lessons very briefly touched   Chodesh Elul, we can all benefit from
      its proximity to Tisha B’Av. Soon after   upon above are pivotal components   pausing, taking some time to self-
                                                                                   reflect and making a  din veCheshbon
      the grave tragedy associated with     toward fostering healthy and  long-
      Tisha B’Av, we were given heavenly    lasting relationships. While dating,   (judgment and accounting) of our
      messages that our destiny would       (and similarly throughout marriage,    own ways, and changing them for the
      improve. Chazal instituted Tu B’Av as   parenting, and beyond), we sometimes   better. Ultimately, we can only control
      a day of celebration and as a reminder   find ourselves quick to judge others   our  own  thoughts  and  actions.  By
      to look toward the future with an     and critically evaluating those around   improving our ways and mindsets, we
      emphasis on redemption. Rabbi Akiva   us,  just as during the days before the   will, G-d willing, merit to bring the
      personified this mindset when he      churban. By removing “measuring        geula closer.
      saw a fox running out of the Holy of   sticks” and “magnifying glasses” when   Efrat Sobolofsky LMSW, PhD, is Director of
      Holies. As tragic as the churban was,   interacting with others, especially   YUConnects

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