Page 26 - HaMizrachi#11_2019_Tisha_B'Av_USA_Neat
P. 26

Rabbi Benji Levy

                          from oy to joy:

                    A call for positivity in Jewish engagement

            isha B’Av is the saddest day in   generally not been strong enough     hand, exposure to the Shabbat
            our collective history – it was   to translate emotion into action     experience, for example, can lead
     Ton this day that the slanderous       in a consistent way. Tisha B’Av is     to an appreciation that supposedly
      report from the spies was received    still  of  enormous  importance  and   disruptive restrictions can grant the
      and the nation of Israel was forbidden   remembering  our  traumatic  past   freedom to value the truly important
      to enter the Land of Israel in 1312   must  have  its  place  in  the  Jewish   things in life.
      BCE; our Temples were destroyed in    calendar. But there is a reason it
      586 BCE and 70 CE; the Bar Kochba     is counterbalanced with so many        Jewish teachings about charity and
      revolt was crushed in 135 CE; Spanish   reasons for celebration. Our ongoing   hospitality allow one  to appreciate
      Jewry was expelled in 1492; World     story has its sad parts, but we are    how an  ancient moral compass can
      War I broke out in 1914; the mass     edging  closer  to  the happy ending   enhance the quality of life for the
      deportation began from Warsaw to      and the positives can dominate the     most vulnerable members of modern
      Treblinka in 1942 and the list goes on.   story that’s worth telling. We must   society. And a deeper understanding
      While causing us deep sadness, these   stand tall and say that we are proud   of the  vibrant,  nuanced, multi-
      events often led to unity.            to be Jews, not because of terrorism   faceted reality of Israel can allow
                                            in places like Pittsburgh or Poway, or   one to acknowledge its issues while
      Threats to one’s Jewish identity often   Israel’s enemies, but in spite of them.  seeing past its falsified reputation and
      provoke an instinctive reaction of                                           appreciate the truth of its inclusivity
      protectiveness, but this approach is   In  the   late   1960s,   Stanford    and flourishing democracy.
      becoming less effective as the distance   psychology  professor  Walter  Mischel
      from these events widens and time     conducted  a  series  of  experiments   Days like Tisha B’Av are still of vital
      marches on.                           on delayed gratification known as      importance but a healthy Jewish
                                            The Marshmallow Test. Particularly     communal  body  cannot  thrive  on  a
      The establishment of the State        fascinating for psychologists today    diet of tragedy alone. It cannot devolve
      of Israel has been coupled with       are the follow-up studies, decades     into a skeleton devoid of bone marrow
      significant  general  improvements    later, which found that childhood      based on external threats. It must
      for global Jewry, and many Jews       ability to delay gratification correlated   celebrate the inner beauty of Jewish
      have not been directly exposed to     with  higher  SAT  scores,  professional   life. To move from oy to joy, we need
      old forms of anti-Semitism and the    success and better physical health.    a paradigm shift in our pedagogy. The
      powerfully emotional tribalism it can                                        impetus for Jewish living must come
      induce. Instead, as Jewish millennials   What is clear is that as Millennials   from inside the Jewish world, being
      are welcomed with open arms into      grow up, they are witnessing the       proactive rather than reactive.
      western societies, they have become   collapse of the long-term security once
      increasingly disengaged from days like   offered by traditional institutions,   We must begin by truly believing
      Tisha B’Av that memorialize a heritage   older  generations  losing  their  entire   that the Jewish story is worth telling
      with which they struggle to relate.   accumulated wealth, debts  rising      and then reconsider how we tell
                                            and  job  prospects  and  job  security   that  story.  Perhaps  this  is  the  reason
      Desperately attempting to re-establish   declining. As a result, they assign   that tradition teaches us that the
      these stirrings of Jewish pride, many   greater social value to experiences –   Messiah will be born on Tisha B’Av
      Jewish educators double down on       memories guaranteed to last.           and  ultimately  herald  the  era  of  the
      Jewish victimhood, limiting their                                            building of  the Third Temple which
      educational  impact  by  focusing  on   Judaism, when lived fully, includes   will never be destroyed.
      instilling a responsibility to lead   enriching, positive substance that can
      Jewish lives purely because the victims   make a far more enduring impact on   After all, our children no longer want
      of prior generations could not.       the individual than the declining sense   to hear how not to leave. They need to
                                            of obligation to marry Jewish and the   experience why they must stay.
      While  this  narrative  continues  to   uninspired schlep to a synagogue
      inspire a sense of Jewishness, it has   on  the  High  Holidays.  On  the other   Rabbi Benji Levy is CEO of Mosaic United

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