Page 15 - HaMizrachi # 22 Rosh HahHana - Yom Kippur 2020 USA
P. 15


       3. Marriage and Family                elements of our lives that have stood   This is the message for this one-time
                                             the test of time – Torah, Eretz Yisrael,   moment, once a year. You can always
       In Devarim, we receive many instruc-
       tions on married life and the educa-  and the sanctity of the Jewish family.  repair and improve. No matter where
       tion of our children – the questions                 ddd                   you have been the past year. No matter
       children will ask, the answers we will                                     what your Elul looked like. Here, in
       give, and the manner in which we                                           just another second, we will hear the
       should educate them.                     Two Thoughts                      shofar, and together we will anoint
       And it is precisely here, in what we
       think is our comfort zone, we are         on the Shofar                      Some data about the past year:
       called upon to find something new.                                         Every 60 seconds the world watches
                                              Before blowing the shofar, we recite   more than four million videos on
       Under the  chupah, we say, “Behold,   chapter 47 of Tehillim seven times,   YouTube, sends 156 million emails,
       you are now holy to me, with this ring,   רֹומְז ִ מ  ח ַ רֹ ֽ ק־יֵנ ְ ב ִ ל   ַ חֵּֽ צַנ ְ מ ַ ל,  “For  the  sons  of   asks Google 3.5 million questions and
       according to the religion of Moshe and   Korach, a psalm...” It is a very special   sends about 20 million WhatsApp
       Israel.” A hundred years ago, Rabbi   moment.                              messages. What was once called the
       Tzvi Kunstlicher, in “Be’er Tzvi,” asked                                   Information Highway is now the Infor-
       why we emphasize “according to the    So why at this very moment must we   mation Intifada, attacking us with
       religion of Moshe and Israel.” He     remember Korach’s sons? Korach       constant bombardments of data. No
       answered that our marital relationship   started the controversy against Moshe   human brain is capable of absorbing so
       should be the same as our relationship   and Aharon. A controversy about   much information.
       to the Torah given by Moshe to Israel   honor, pride and personal gain, ending
       – a relationship of daily renewal. That   in tragedy – Korach and his whole   The main mitzvah on Rosh Hashanah
       is, “every day should be like new,” as   congregation were swallowed up in   is to hear the shofar – “Yom Teruah.”
       new as the day you stood under the    the ground and died.                 Other nations mark their new years
       chupah. Here too, we would be wise                                         with street celebrations, a loud count-
       to devote time, thought and creativity   But what about Korach’s sons? They   down, drinking and eating – while we
       to renew our most important relation-  did not die. At the last minute, they   gather inside to be silent and listen. As
       ships within the intimate surroundings   regretted their actions. To this day,   the outside world becomes louder and
       of home.                              we learn from them that one should   louder, this silence for the shofar takes
                                             never give up hope of repentance and   on added meaning and significance.
                      ddd                    returning to G-d.
                                                                                  We are resetting the system. Stop
       Our Sages defined the biggest chal-   Have  we  prepared  for  this  moment   talking and shouting and argu-
       lenge of our times in this way: we    of blowing the  shofar? Were we in a   ing. Remain silent and listen to a
       should not take our greatest gifts –   mindframe of learning and  teshuva   voice  above  words,  texts  and  videos:
       Torah, the Land of Israel, our families   and reflection during Elul? For many   “Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King
       – for granted. The prevailing culture   of us, the first day of Tishrei, Rosh   of the Universe, who has made us holy
       broadcasts a message that loyalty to a   Hashanah  arrives  uninvited,  as  if  we   through His commandments, and has
       text (Torah), a Land (Israel), or fellow   never knew it was upon us, and we   commanded us to listen to the sound
       members of a covenant (family) are    find ourselves standing in somber    of the shofar.”
       values that have vanished from the    silence waiting for the shofar to blast.
       world.  This  culture  sees  newness  as   What can we do to compensate for our   Stop making the noise. Listen!
       external to ourselves and not some-   lack of preparation? “For the sons of
       thing to be sought or attained within.    Korach, a psalm...”
                                                                                  Sivan Rahav Meir and Yedidya Meir are
       On Rosh Hashanah, we are called       You can always connect and fix       popular Israeli media personalities and
       upon to find new meaning  in those    things, even now. It’s never too late.   World Mizrachi’s Scholars-in-Residence.

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