Page 12 - HaMizrachi # 22 Rosh HahHana - Yom Kippur 2020 USA
P. 12
Rabbi Danny Mirvis
Standing Alone
Before Hashem
he Mishna The common message of these images this year, and even if conditions do
towards the is that on Rosh Hashanah we stand allow it, we will be extremely limited
Tb e g inning before Hashem as individuals. We in numbers and still exclude many
of Masechet Rosh cannot blame others, hide behind individuals who would otherwise have
Hashanah (1:2) general societal decadence, or jus- been able to attend.
informs us: “On tify ourselves by pointing out those
Rosh Hashanah, all who achieve less than us. We are each Rather than focus on what we are
the creatures of the judged in comparison to our own missing this year, we must use the
world pass before potential and must accept responsibil- opportunity to add meaning to our
Him (Hashem) like ity as individuals. Rosh Hashanah experience. Though
‘Bnei Maron, as it says, it is not advisable or sustainable
‘He who fashions their However, the continuation of the as a long-term measure, there can
hearts together, who Gemara portrays a very different be something deeply meaning-
understands all their scene: ful in standing before Hashem as
actions’.” “Rabba bar Bar Chana said in the individuals.
What does it mean that name of Rabbi Yochanan, ‘And they This year, we cannot delegate our sup-
on Rosh Hashanah we all come are all scanned in one glance.’ Rav plications to the Chazan or treat our
before Hashem “like Bnei Maron”? Nachman bar Yitzchak said, ‘We can prayers like a spectator sport. Away
also support this from the Mishna, from the “safety in numbers” of com-
The Gemara (Rosh Hashanah 18a) ‘He who fashions their hearts together, munal prayer, we have no choice but
provides three explanations: who understands all their actions’.” to accept responsibility for our own
“What is meant by ‘like Bnei Maron’? According to this, we are judged prayer experience as we stand as indi-
Here (in Bavel) they translated, ‘like simultaneously, as one collective unit. viduals before Hashem.
young sheep.’ Resh Lakish said, ‘like This is not meant to contradict the We have so much to thank Hashem
the ascent of Beit Maron.’ Rav Yehuda previous sentiment, but to add a fur- for. And so much to pray for as well.
said in the name of Shmuel, ‘like the ther dimension, for Rosh Hashanah Imagine being granted a private audi-
soldiers of the house of David’.” presents us with a dual challenge. On ence with Her Majesty Queen Eliz-
the one hand, we pass before Hashem
Rashi explains each of these opin- as individuals. At the same time, like abeth on one of her birthdays. This
ions: according to the first opinion, the individual sheep who is an integral year, each of us can have a private
we pass before Hashem for judgment member of the flock and the individual audience with The King of kings on
like sheep being counted for tithing soldier who is part of an army and rep- the day of His coronation over the
as they pass through a narrow gate, resents his country, we stand before Universe.
one at a time. According to Resh Hashem as part of something greater
Lakish, we pass before Hashem like a than ourselves. We cannot divorce our Wishing you a year of health, blessing
and prosperity.
line of people climbing the ascent of individual destiny from the destiny of
Beit Maron, where the narrow path our people or the destiny of the world.
between two valleys only allows one
person to pass at a time. According The image of coming before Hashem
to Rav Yehuda in the name of Shmuel, “like Bnei Maron” is particularly poi-
we pass before Hashem like the sol- gnant this year. At the time of writing
diers of David, who went out to battle this article, it seems unlikely that we Rabbi Danny Mirvis is the Senior Rabbi at
single-file. will have communal Tefillot in shuls Mizrachi Melbourne.
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