Page 9 - HaMizrachi # 22 Rosh HahHana - Yom Kippur 2020 USA
P. 9
Rabbi Reuven Taragin Rabbanit Shani Taragin
Teshuva in the Wake of Pandemic
Rupture and Repair
s the Yamim Noraim approach, and Aharon for their deaths, and Hashem literally rebuild the family structure that
we are enjoined to take advan- warns of immediate punishment. Moshe had been destroyed by the sin of Ba’al
Atage of this time and seek out a quickly tells Aharon to take ketoret and Pe’or. Bnot Tzelofchad come to Moshe
relationship with Hashem as He is so atone for the people, saving lives amidst to appeal for the perpetuation of their
near (Yeshayahu 55:6). This year in par- the pandemic that killed 14,700 people. father’s legacy within his family, and
ticular, we must undergo personal and In anticipation of future democratic fathers/husbands are taught to listen to
national introspection in the wake of a arguments, Hashem then manifests their daughters and wives in order to
worldwide ה ָ פ ֵּג ַ מ (plague or pandemic) Aharon’s Divine appointment through annul relevant vows.
that has taken hundreds of thousands the blossoming of his staff – a sign of The pandemic of Ba’al Pe’or and the
of lives. The Rambam (Mishneh Torah, continued authority. ensuing repair reminds us of the dangers
Hilchot Ta’aniot 1:1-2) teaches us various cultures pose to the sanctity of
that when suffering befalls us, we are Our generation has witnessed the our homes. Only once we rebuild our
implored to view it as an indication of waning of leadership in many spheres
our wrongdoings and undergo a process of government and judiciary. The Torah immediate family structure, restore
of repentance. commands us to ensure that officers of family values and learn to listen to our
the law are instituted in every community family members, are we sufficiently
The first time a ה ָ פ ֵּג ַ מ strikes Am Yisrael and abide by values of justice and edified to battle our surrounding
follows the story of the 10 slandering righteousness. Torah leadership as well enemies. How relevant in our post-
spies , who died in a ה ָ פ ֵּג ַ מ. Immediately must be respected in every generation, a modern society which has redefined
thereafter, Moshe warns Bnei Yisrael – phenomenon drastically lacking today in marriage, family and simultaneously
who seek to repent by attempting to many Jewish communities. Sometimes disposed of their intrinsic sanctity!
engage in battle with the Canaanites it takes a pandemic to recognize and Teshuva in the wake of pandemic enjoins
and Amalekites as they enter the Land respect Torah authorities. us to quarantine in our homes with
– that they will be unsuccessful in their immediate family members and invest
attempts. Hashem will not accompany The third and final ה ָ פ ֵּג ַ מ in the Torah in rebuilding our relationships.
them for He has already punished comes as a punishment for the sin of
them with 40 years in the wilderness Ba’al Pe’or,when 24,000 men were killed In the midst of these days of sensitized
(Bamidbar 14:42). They did not properly after practicing a promiscuous form introspection, let us take heed of the
display belief in Hashem’s powers of of idolatry (Bamidbar 25:1-9). After Torah’s messages of pandemics, and
conquest earlier, and therefore they are Hashem rewards Pinchas for ending the stir our souls and selves to reignite our
killed by their enemies. pandemic through publicly murdering commitment to Eretz Yisrael, Torah
leadership and family values. Together
Perhaps this is the first message we must two of the perpetrators, He commands with tefillah and tzedakah, may we merit
internalize today: taking advantage of Moshe to fight against the people of repair and refuah for this upcoming
Divinely-destined opportunities to Midian for sending their daughters to year!
come to Eretz Yisrael. Perhaps we have seduce Bnei Yisrael. However, before
not properly heeded the miraculous this commandment is carried out,
“knocks” to return to Eretz Yisrael. the Torah teaches us what appear to 1 Bamidbar 14:37. Rashi explains that they died
Perhaps a pandemic strikes to remind be unrelated narratives including a through their tongues ה ָ ּ ד ִ מ ד ֶ גֶנ ְּ כ ה ָ ּ ד ִ מ.
us to take advantage of “open skies” and national census, the petition of the 2 See Seforno (Devarim 1:45), HaEmek Davar
a Promised Land before it’s too late. daughters of Tzelofchad, and the laws (Bamidbar 14:40-45).
of the annulment of vows. The common 3 See Rav J.B. Soloveitchik, “Kol Dodi Dofek.”
The second time a ה ָ פ ֵּג ַ מ appears is in denominator of all these apparent non-
the aftermath of the Korach rebellion sequiturs is the theme of family.
(Bamidbar 17:6-14). Despite the Rabbanit Shani Taragin is Educational
miraculous punishments of Korach and The national census includes the Director of Mizrachi and the Director of the
his followers, Bnei Yisrael blame Moshe counting of every individual family, to Mizrachi Matan Lapidot Educators' Program
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