Page 6 - HaMizrachi # 22 Rosh HahHana - Yom Kippur 2020 USA
P. 6


                                                                             Rabbi Dr. Ernest Agatstein

             A Time for

             n aspect of Yom HaKippurim     marriage. Jewish couples are thus     and cleaving to G-d, creates the high-
             not often addressed is that it   given the message that their lives and   est human happiness. This kind of
      Aseems to have been a  minhag         households need to be conducted by    clinging is emulated when a man takes
       in Klal Yisrael to make shidduchim on   the dictates of the Torah.         a wife and they cling to each other.
       Yom Kippur, as it states: 1
                                            The Michtav M’Eliyahu  describes the   No other human could be in the Beit
       באב רשע השמחכ לארשיל םיבוט םימי ויה אל  joy one is meant to experience at the   HaMikdash when the  Kohen Gadol
          ...תואצוי לארשי תונב ןהבש םירופכה םויכו  conclusion  of    Yom  HaKippurim.  We   was doing the Avodah. The Holy of
                                            have hopefully been worthy of receiv-
       “There were no more joyous days in   ing  atonement  and  absolution  due  to   Holies is a hidden place. There is a
       Israel than the 15th of Av and Yom   the power of the day and through our   strong component of  tzniut, modesty
       HaKippurim because on that day the   prayers, repentance and charity. At   in the Avodah of Yom HaKippurim.
       daughters of Israel would borrow     the close of Neilah, many burst into
       clothes from each other…”            song and dance exactly because of this   This was a message  Chazal wanted
                                                                                  couples to have as a foundation in
       The Mishna then proceeds to describe   feeling of happiness. An atmosphere   their new lives together, as they build a
       in detail how the marriages were     of  simcha  is  certainly conducive to a   Bayit Ne’eman BeYisrael.
       arranged. The Radak, in explaining   Jewish marriage.
       the celebrations held in Shiloh during   Doubt  causes  anguish.  Resolving   May the  merit of many shidduchim in
       the times of the Judges, says it refers                                    Klal Yisrael, Limud HaTorah, Devekut
       to the custom mentioned in Masechet   doubt leads to happiness. On Yom     with Hashem –  brought on by selicha
                                            Kippur, when  the red string tied  to
       Ta’anit regarding making  shidduchim                                       and mechila via Yom Kippur, modesty,
       on Yom HaKippurim.                   the horns of the goat sent to Azazel   and above all  simcha – lead  to the
                                            turned white and when the  Kohen
       What is the connection between Yom   Gadol emerged unscathed from the      coming of  Moshiach Tzidkeinu, Bim-
       HaKippurim and getting married?      Holy of Holies, Klal Yisrael knew with   heira BeYameinu, Amen.
                                            certainty  they  had  been  forgiven  of
       The second luchot were given to Klal   their sins.
       Yisrael  on Yom HaKippurim. Many                                           1   Masechet Ta’anit 26b.
       commentaries see the  luchot as a    There is no greater  simcha than      2   Shoftim 21:19.
       symbol of the kiddushin between Klal   resolving doubts –  clarity and  abso-  3   Shir HaShirim 3:11.
       Yisrael and  HaKadosh Baruch Hu.     lute knowledge on Yom Kippur that     4   Volume 1 page 266.
       Chazal  say  the  verse םֹוי ְ בּו  ֹותָּנ ֻ ת ֲ ח  םֹוי ְּ ב   we are still beloved by G-d was the   5   Harerei Kedem 161.
       ֹו ּ ב ִ ל ת ַ ח ְ מ ִ ׂש is an allusion to “the day of   background to brides and grooms
       his wedding – this represents Matan   finding each other.
                                            Rav Soloveitchik explains why simcha
       Since the giving of the second set of   is  so  great  on  Yom  Kippur.  Sin  dis-  Rabbi Dr. Ernest Agatstein, a urologic sur-
       luchot on Yom  HaKippurim  is also a   tances us from G-d. The aim of Yom   geon and Presidium member of Mizrachi–
       day of  Matan Torah, we see thereby   Kippur, in washing away our sins, is   RZA, has been a Daf Yomi maggid shiur for
       the strong connection between Yom    to bring us in close contact with Him.   the past 31 years. His shiurim can be found
       HaKippurim and the institution of    True  devekut with  Hashem, clinging   at and on the Daf Doc podcast.

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