Page 2 - HaMizrachi # 22 Rosh HahHana - Yom Kippur 2020 USA
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                             TORAT MIZRACHI
                                                         37   Tashlich on Rosh Hashanah
               +972 (0)2 620 9000                      3     Head, Heart and Soul          Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Brody
                                                             Rabbi Doron Perez
                Mr. Harvey Blitz                                                      38   The Inspiration to Change
                                                                                           Rabbanit Sally Mayer
                                                             Rabbi Dr. Ernest Agatstein
                CHIEF EXECUTIVE                        6     A Time for Shidduchim
                Rabbi Doron Perez                  INSIDE                                  Chana’s Lessons for Covid-19
             EDUCATIONAL DIRECTORS                     8     How We Get Hashem to Remember  39  Yael Leibowitz
               Rabbi Reuven Taragin                          Rabbi Reuven Taragin
              Rabbanit Shani Taragin                   9     Teshuva in the Wake of Pandemic  40  Kapara: Looking Forward
                                                                                           Rabbi Menachem Leibtag
                                                             Rabbanit Shani Taragin
                                                       10    Hatarat Nedarim via Zoom?  42  The Great Reset
                                                                                           Rabbi Shmuel (Saul) Paves
        PUBLISHED BY THE MIZRACHI WORLD MOVEMENT             Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon
                EDITORIAL TEAM                                                        43   Who Am I?
                                                                                           Rabbi Benji Levy
                 Daniel  Verbov                        11    The Deep Significance of the Shofar
                 Esther Shafier                              Rabbanit Sharon Rimon
               CREATIVE DIRECTOR                                                      44   Hear Ye, Hear Ye!
                                                                                           Rabbi Stewart Weiss
                 Jonny Lipczer                         12    Standing Alone Before Hashem
                                                             Rabbi Danny Mirvis
               GRAPHIC DESIGNER
                 Hadas Peretz                                What’s New About Our New Year?  THE PEOPLE AND THE LAND
        PRODUCTION AND ADVERTISING MANAGER             14    Sivan Rahav Meir and Yedidya Meir
                 Meyer Sterman                                                        46   RELIGIOUS ZIONIST LEADERS
                                                                                           Rav Yeshayahu Shapira
       HaMizrachi seeks to spread Torat Eretz Yisrael throughout                           NATIONAL INSTITUTIONS
       the world. HaMizrachi also contains articles, opinion pieces   GLOBAL RELIGIOUS LEADERS  47  The Call to Israel
       and advertisements that represent the diversity of views and                        Gael Grunewald
       interests in our communities. These do not necessarily reflect   20  Advocating Life
       any official position of Mizrachi or its branches.    Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau  RAV KOOK'S TEACHINGS
       If you don't want to keep HaMizrachi, you can double-wrap it                   48   A Teshuva of Togetherness
          before disposal, or place it directly into sheimos.                              Rabbi Dr. Yosef Bronstein
                                                       21    A Time to Forgive             ISRAEL INSIGHT
                                                             Rabbi David Stav
                                           35,000 copies                              49   Curb the Imperious Israeli Supreme Court
                                                                                           David M. Weinberg
                                           printed (CPA-
                                           approved) and   22  Hakarat HaCheit
                                             distributed     Rabbi Hershel Schachter  50   Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz
                                             in these 33                                   A TRIBUTE
                                           states across     The Challenge of Jewish Repentance
                         the USA:  24   Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks     WHAT'S IN A WORD
                      Alabama                                 52   Harat Olam
                 212-465-9234                 Arizona                                      David Curwin
                                             California  26  A Time to Regain Lost Vision
                  Presidium                   Colorado       Chief Rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein  53  PLACES IN ISRAEL
               Dr. Ernest Agatstein          Conneticut                                    The Biyar Aqueduct
                                                                                           Eve Harow
              Rabbi Leonard Matanky           Georgia
                 Martin Oliner                 Illinois
                                               Indiana  YAMIM NORA’IM READING
                National Chairman              Kansas                                 GENERAL INTEREST
               Mr. Seymour Shapiro            Kentucky       The Harmony of Torah Study    PARENTING
                                             Louisiana  28   Mrs. Shira Smiles        56   How Could This Happen?
          RELIGIOUS ZIONISTS OF CHICAGO       Maryland                                     Rabbi Yakov Horowitz
                       Massachusetts                                   RELATIONSHIPS
                       Michigan  29   Achot Ketana             57   Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance
                                                             Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi
                 847-674-9733                Minnesota                                     Sherrie Miller-Heineman
                   President                 Nebraska  32    Confession and Redemption     SOCIAL COMMENTARY
                 Dr. Oren Lakser            New Jersey       Rabbi Zev Leff           58   Facing Our Truth
                                                                                           Rabbi Chaim Navon
                                             New York
                Executive Director         North Carolina
               Rabbi Jerold Isenberg            Ohio   33    Past, Present and Future  60  Excepts from a Yom Kippur War Diary
                                              Oregon         Rabbi Berel Wein              Rabbi Yechiel Wasserman
                                            Rhode Island
                  South Carolina  34  All for One and One for All  62  Learning To Like Yourself
                 209-286-7141                Tennessee       Rabbi Dov Lipman              Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski
                   President                  Virginia
               Dr. Yakov Agatstein          Washington  36   Step by Step             63   HaMizrachi Family Page
                                             Wisconsin       Rabbi Shalom Rosner
       2  |                                           If you would like to dedicate an issue of HaMizrachi in memory of a loved one
                                                          or in celebration of a simcha, please email
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