Page 3 - HaMizrachi # 22 Rosh HahHana - Yom Kippur 2020 USA
P. 3


                                                                                      Rabbi Doron Perez

       Head, Heart and Soul

                     THE FES TIVALS OF TISHREI

       Head                                  minds the ideal world we would like   the details lest we fail to distinguish
                                             to live in and the ideal role we would   the woods from the trees. It’s not a
          t is fascinating that the Hebrew for                                    time ‘to be rearranging deck chairs on
          our New Year is Rosh Hashanah      like to play in it.
      I– the Head of the Year – and not      It’s a time of deep cognitive reflection.  the Titanic,’ but rather to ensure that
                                                                                  we are heading in the right direction.
       the more obvious term Reishit HaSha-
       nah, which means the beginning of the   We examine our spiritual and mental   The shofar is the instrument of the day
                                                                                  and the echo of Jewish history calling
       year. 1                               paradigms, thought processes and     us to recalibrate our moral course and
                                             mindset as we address the salient
       So why did our Sages pick this term –   issues of life in preparation for the   reset our spiritual compass.
       the head – to define the first festival   year ahead. It’s a time for big picture   Rosh Hashanah is an intense exercise
       of the year
                                             mind mapping rather than meddling    in systematic and strategic spiritual
       It seems that the head and mind are   in minutiae.                         thinking.
       the keys to understanding the essence
       of the day.                           There is no focus on individual actions   Heart
                                             nor any mention of sin – not one single
       On the anniversary of Creation, we    confession – throughout the lengthy   Yom Kippur is all about Service of the
       aim to envision and recreate in our   prayer service. We dare not get lost in   Heart – Avodat HaLev. 2

                                                                                                     Continued on page 4

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