Page 8 - HaMizrachi # 22 Rosh HahHana - Yom Kippur 2020 USA
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                                                                                  Rabbi Reuven Taragin                                                      Rabbanit Shani Taragin

                                Rosh Hashanah

          How We Get Hashem to Remember

       The Malchuyot Focus                   created us and therefore our life’s mis-  The Shofar as the
                                             sion should be to serve Him, we are   Common Facilitator
             he Torah tells us two things    often too busy to reflect and focus our
             about Rosh Hashanah – that it                                        The Gemara concludes by presenting
      Tis a day of terua (horn blowing)      lives on this mission. On Rosh Hasha-  the shofar as the tool meant to inspire
       and that its goal is zikaron (memory).   nah – the day Hashem created Man   the unique aspects of both malchuyot
       These two words are the basis for the   – we blow the  shofar to remind us   and zichronot.
       berachot of zichronot and shofarot.    that we are His creations and that we
                                             should work to live up to the goals we   First, we use the  shofar as a corona-
       Two questions need to be asked. The   were created to accomplish.          tion horn. In addition  to the  general
       first is the relationship between the                                      coronation symbolism, our  shofar
       two –  terua and zikaron. The second   The Sefer HaChinuch (Mitzvah 331)   also reminds us of the  shofar that
       is about the third  beracha –   mal-  uses the Rambam’s explanation to
       chuyot – that we not only add, but    explain the first approach as well. The   proclaimed Hashem’s presence at
       actually begin with, and emphasize    question is not what Hashem remem-   Har Sinai for  Matan Torah. We then
       throughout our Rosh Hashanah and      bers, but what He  associates with us   use the ram’s shofar to remind us and
       Aseret Yemei Teshuva liturgy.         (lizkor lachem). When we identify with   (through this) Hashem of  Akeidat
                                             Akeidat  Yitzchak as a model for our   Yitzchak – the  symbol  of the  com-
       Why do we focus on malchuyot –  the   religious commitment, Hashem sees    mitment modeled by our forefathers
       one  beracha not mentioned (explic-   us in this same light. Our willingness   and ancestors for us to emulate. After
       itly) by the Torah in reference to Rosh   to sacrifice ourselves for and commit   the beracha of  zichronot, we blow
       Hashanah?                             ourselves to Avodat Hashem merits us   the  shofar as part of  shofarot, which
                                             Hashem’s  rachamim (mercy) and His   describe the  shofar  gadol that will
       Zikaron –  Who Needs Reminding?       blessings for the continued good life   herald the final redemption.
                                             we can use to best serve Him.
       The answer lies in understanding                                           May our sincere and complete  kab-
       who zikaron aims to remind and how                                         balat ol malchut shamayim bring
       it does so. Rashi  and the Rashbam    Zikaron Hinges on Malchuyot          Hashem  to  view  us  in  a  way  that
       on Vayikra 23:24 explain that zikaron   We can now understand the central-  merits Him blessing us with an
       aims to remind Hashem –  of us        ity of malchuyot. The mission we are
       (Rashbam) and of  Akeidat  Yitzchak   meant to remember on Rosh Hasha-     upcoming year of good health, hatzla-
       (Rashi). This approach is based on the   nah is rooted in the recognition of   cha and the Final Redemption.
       Gemara (Rosh Hashanah 16a) that       Hashem as our King and Creator. The
       explains we use a ram’s horn to remind   Torah focuses on the  goal –  zikaron.   1   The connection of the shofar to the akeida
       Hashem of the akeida. 1               We focus on the means – malchuyot –      also appears in the Midrash Rabbah (Bere-
                                             which helps us develop and maintain      ishit Rabbah 56:10). See also Vayikra Rabbah
       The obvious question is why Hashem    the zikaron mindset.                     (29 DH Rebbe Yehoshua) that also sees the
       needs reminding? This is probably                                              shofar as aiming to impact Hashem.
       part  of  the  reason  why  the  Rambam    This approach is summarized by the   2   Mishneh Torah Teshuva 3:4.  See also
       explains zikaron’s goal differently. The   Gemara (Rosh Hashanah 16a), which   Yerushalayim (RH 58:4) and the Midrash
       Rambam understands that we are the    quotes Hashem’s explanation of  mal-     Tanchuma (Vayishlach 2), which also see the
       ones who need reminding – the shofar   chuyot’s goal as ‘for you to accept Me   shofar as aiming to impact Man.
       reminds  us of Hashem by waking  us   as King’ and then that of zichronot as   Rabbi Reuven Taragin is Educational
       from the stupor of our normal rou-    ‘for your memory to rise positively   Director of Mizrachi and Dean of the Yeshi-
       tines. Though we know that Hashem     before Me.’                          vat HaKotel Overseas Program.

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