Page 49 - HaMizrachi # 22 Rosh HahHana - Yom Kippur 2020 USA
P. 49


                                                                                     David M. Weinberg

                       Curb the Imperious

                    Israeli Supreme Court

          srael’s Supreme Court has gone     the Temple Mount because this would   So it may be when the Court rules on
          beyond the limits of “reasonable”   disturb the Arabs and require a mas-  the historic Jewish Nation-State law of
      Iintervention in Israeli political and   sive police presence. On the other hand,   2018, which was passed as a “Basic Law”
       public life with its ever-expanding scope   the Court has found it “reasonable” to   – meaning that it was meant as supra-
       of super-subjective decision-making.   allow the Women of the Wall to pray in   Court constitutional legislation. The
                                             a manner offensive to most worshippers   Court has no right to touch this. Nev-
       Going back 25 years to the term of then-  at the Western Wall despite the distur-  ertheless, current Chief Justice Esther
       Court President (Chief Justice) Aharon   bance involved and the massive police   Hayut has convened an 11-justice panel
       Barak, the Court effectively stripped   presence required to make it feasible.  to judge the law’s “reasonableness.”
       Israeli law of any inherent meaning and
       created complete legal mayhem. Barak   It was found “unreasonable” that Reli-  So it may be when the Court rules soon
       and his colleagues developed a series   gious Zionist Jews operate “acceptance   on a petition from a group of extremist
       of mumbo-jumbo, infinitely pliant con-  committees” to maintain distinctly   professors to terminate all government
       cepts that allow High Court justices to   homogenous small communities even   funding for gender-separate Haredi col-
       apply their own sensibilities to issues   though is this basic libertarianism, not   lege programs. Accepting the petition
       before the Court; to socially re-engineer   discrimination. But it is “reasonable” for   would be a disaster for the slow but
       Israeli society – in their enlightened   Bedouins and Arabs to operate “accep-  measurable movement of Haredi men
       image, of course.                     tance committees,” because they are   and women into the workforce – which
                                             considered “distinct” and apparently   is crucial for the Israeli economy and the
       “Reasonableness” is a term that runs   more kosher communities by the Court.  future of our society.
       like a computer virus through the
       High Court’s decisions over the past   It was “reasonable” for the Central Elec-  What is next? Well, would a decision
       two decades. It is authoritarian jargon   tions Committee to ban the right-wing   by the government to extend Israeli law
       which means the Court elastically can   and anti-Arab “Otzma Le-Yisrael” party   to security zones and all settlements in
       go any way it pleases; as are the Court’s   from running in the three last election   Judea and Samaria be a “reasonable”
       “broad interpretations” of law to fit its   campaigns, said the High Court. But   decision? How about the opposite
       own perceptions of “values,” “balance,”   it was “unreasonable” to disallow the   decision – to dismantle all settlements?
       and “equality.”                       anti-Israel Joint Arab List from running,   Which of these decisions would be “rea-

       Given  the  longstanding  makeup of   including some of its openly pro-ter-  sonable” and which not? The imperious
       the Court, decisions that employ such   rorist candidates like Heba Yazbak and   High Court justices will decide, not the
                                                                                  electorate – unless the Knesset legislates
       supple and flexible principles invariably   Hanin Zoabi.
       are skewed in favor of the liberal side of   So it was again this year when the High   limits on the High Court’s reach, or at
       the political spectrum.               Court of Justice struck down the 2017   least enacts an override provision.
       And thus, the Court has ruled in recent   Settlements Regularization Law as
       years with a liberal fist on the allocation   “unconstitutional,” because it impinges
       of JNF land, Palestinian residency rights   on the land rights of absentee Palestin-
       in Israel, rights of foreign converts to   ians and mere cash compensation isn’t
       citizenship, Haredi draft deferments and   sufficient. But it was okay to crush the
       stipends to yeshiva students, commerce   rights of Israeli Jews and expel them
       and road closings on Shabbat, and more.  from their homes in Gush Katif with   David M. Weinberg is vice president of
                                             a few pennies of compensation. (The   the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and
       The Court has found it “unreasonable”   Court refused to intervene in that   Security, His personal site is
       that religious Jews be allowed to pray on   matter.)             

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