Page 48 - HaMizrachi # 22 Rosh HahHana - Yom Kippur 2020 USA
P. 48
Rabbi Dr. Yosef Bronstein
A Teshuva
of Togetherness
ow can we unite in this can only engage in proper repentance the sinner severs himself from this
separation?” These words after understanding several kabbalistic joint mission. This leaves the sinner
“Hfrom “Keter Melucha,” assertions regarding the cosmos. in the unnatural and confusing state
Ishay Ribo’s corona-related song, of detachment and aloneness.
express one of the key challenges of The first principle is that G-d
the past few months. We live in a imprinted a sense of positive dyna- This explains why sin, even those
time of separation and divisiveness. mism and movement into the world. between man and G-d, instills hatred
Whether we are currently in a state of Nothing is stable. The entire world of the other within the heart. Sin
a full lockdown or the new normal of is “constantly developing” (Ibid. 5:3). causes an abnormal separation from
social distancing, physical separation Societies rise and fall, only to have the rest of the cosmos which leads to
between people has been one of the better and more just societies arise in an unhealthy growth of one’s individ-
defining features of the corona pan- their wake (Ibid. 4:3). With the passage ual ego. This ultimately breeds hatred
demic. This has often hurt our sense of time, biological organisms evolve to and divisiveness.
of belonging to a broader family, social become better adapted to their envi-
circle, or community. In addition, this ronments (Shemonah Kevatzim 1:485). Repentance is not only a personal
medically-mandated physical distanc- And from a spiritual perspective, every return to G-d but also a return to feel-
ing has unfortunately been accompa- entity, in its own way, naturally strives ing reunited with the rest of creation.
nied by an uptick in tribalism, frac- towards greater and greater heights in Through teshuva, a person regains
tured societies and demonizations of the form of a closer connection to G-d his natural place in the harmonious
the other. (Orot HaTeshuva 4:2). symphony of the cosmos. In fact, Rav
Surprisingly, according to Rav Kook, A second, interrelated point is that Kook writes that to do teshuva, one
must view “the world as a whole, and
one key method for achieving unity this joint movement towards per- every particular creation, the his-
in a time of divisiveness is proper and fection generates a sense of togeth- tory of humanity and each individual
sincere teshuva. In Orot HaTeshuva erness between all parts of creation. person… as a single book of different
(12:4), he writes: “Every sin, even the “The entire world is filled with har- chapters” (Ibid. 4:4). Only after real-
most trivial of sins, instills in a person mony,” declared Rav Kook, since “the izing the interconnectedness of all
a feeling of hatred towards something, strong moral calling” to constantly aspects of creation can the light of
and through teshuva the love returns grow closer to G-d emanates from teshuva shine within the individual
to shine.” “the united voice of each part of the
cosmos” (Ibid. 8:7). Each individual person.
This assertion is surprising. Granted, soul hears this unified calling and We enter this High Holiday season
interpersonal sins can poison a social naturally takes its place in this cosmic
environment. But there are private sins movement towards greater spiritual in a world brimming with separation
between man and G-d which do not heights. and divisiveness. Our personal teshuva
involve other people. How can missing must be intimately bound with a deep
a prayer or eating milk and meat instill For Rav Kook, this picture sets the connection to others. In this way, we
hatred in one’s heart for other people? stage to understand the devastation can fix not only ourselves but also
And how can repentance restore feel- of sin. In addition to contaminating foster a sense of harmony amongst all
ings of love? the person, sin “causes distress to the of G-d’s creations.
heart since it contradicts the unity that
The answer requires a better under- exists between the individual person
standing of Rav Kook’s broad con- and all of existence” (Ibid. 8:3). All Rabbi Dr. Yosef Bronstein is a faculty
ceptualization of repentance. In Orot of creation is harmoniously working member of Michlelet Mevaseret Yerusha-
HaTeshuva, he describes that a person together to connect with G-d while layim and Yeshiva University.
48 | Background illustration of Rav Kook courtesy of