Page 43 - HaMizrachi # 22 Rosh HahHana - Yom Kippur 2020 USA
P. 43


                                                                                       Rabbi Benji Levy

                       Who Am I?

            oint to yourself. Where did you   guttural cry because that’s all she can   –  who  are  they  now?  I  remember  a
            point? Are you a specific body   do. That is the broken sound of the   close friend  who  was  a  phenomenal
      Ppart? Who are you? This is one        shofar, a plea from a place of despera-  soccer player  before  he  damaged his
       of the most simple yet sophisticated   tion to pierce the heavens in search of   leg and couldn’t play again. He was
       questions anyone can ask of them-     a positive outcome.                  faced  with the big  question  – now
       selves and the New Year is a great time                                    what? Others whose identities are
       to start.                             Perhaps there is more in this story   based around another person are faced
                                             that gets to the very heart of what the   with the same question when that rela-
       The central command of  Rosh          shofar represents. We are never told   tionship is severed.
       Hashanah  and  the  Biblical  name that   the name of Sisera’s mother. We are
       represents its essence is ה ָ עּור ְּ ת םֹוי – a   never told what she did or what kind   We often classify ourselves by our job
       day of terua sounding (Bamidbar 29:1;   of person she was. Rather, she is only   or title or relationship to a relative.
       Vayikra 23:24). In defining the term   mentioned by association, suggesting   However, if our internal identity is
       terua, which comes from the  shofar,   perhaps that she has no real indepen-  built upon something external, we are
       the Talmud (Rosh Hashanah 33b)        dent identity other than her relation-  profoundly affected when the exter-
       translates it to be a  yevava, sobbing   ship to her son. Therefore, when she   nality changes. This unique period of
       or moaning. This is derived from a    loses her son, she loses the only sense   political uncertainty, Covid-19 and
       story in Shoftim (5:28), in which a   of identity she ever knew and cries out   other global instabilities has caused
       pagan army general named Sisera       in anguish.                          many to question basic assumptions,
       went to war with the Israelites and was                                    which will undoubtedly force a differ-
       defeated and killed. Sisera’s mother   She metaphorically looks out of the   ent Rosh Hashanah.
       looked out of the window, awaiting    window  and  does  not  see  her  son  on
       her son’s return, and cried (vateyabev).   the other side. She sees a translucent   The cry of the  shofar, like that of
       Tosafot (Rosh Hashanah 33b) cites     reflection of herself. A self she did not   Sisera’s mother, beckons us to ask who
       the custom of sounding a total of 100   fully recognize beyond the context of   we truly are – what makes us who we
       shofar blasts on Rosh Hashanah to     her son. If one were to try to touch   are and how are we going to focus in
       parallel the 100 cries she let out as she   one’s reflection in water, it would dis-  the New Year on that which contrib-
       waited in vain for her son.           solve and if one were to reach out to   utes to the person we truly want to
                                             a reflection in the window, it always   be. More than the ephemeral reflec-
       The reason she is sobbing seems obvi-  remains beyond reach. A reflection   tion Sisera’s mother saw, let us build
       ous – imagine waiting for a loved one   is simply an empty, intangible image.   an identity that is palpable, substan-
       and not knowing whether they will     This is symbolic of Sisera’s mother’s   tive and of immense value. So we can
       ever return. I remember when my       perception of herself without her son.   appreciate who we are and know who
       brother called us from the army to let   She was only ever defined by someone   we want to become.
       us know he was going to be without a   else and the thought of losing that was
       phone for a few days, as the IDF was   terrifying.                         Shana Tova!
       about to enter Gaza in Operation Pro-
       tective Edge. I remember searching for   Most people are defined by something
       a lost child in our community along   other than their essence. Someone
       with thousands of others. It’s a terrible   who is good at sport, music or art can
       feeling.                              become defined by that talent rather
                                             than let it be but one expression of
       Unable  to  do  anything  about her   who they are. When that is lost, they
       son’s return, Sisera’s mother lets out a   often experience an existential crisis   Rabbi Benji Levy is CEO of Mosaic United.

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