Page 42 - HaMizrachi # 22 Rosh HahHana - Yom Kippur 2020 USA
P. 42


                                                                              Rabbi Shmuel (Saul) Paves


                                    Great Reset

             chassid once came to Rebbe      turn over a new leaf. I’ll try my best   us closer to the Creator and gives
             Elimelech of Lizhensk and       and I hope You’ll do the same – ת ַ ח ַּ ת הֶז   us a deeper perspective on life and
       A ked if he could see how the         הֶז.”                                meaning.
       Rebbe performs  kapparot. The holy
       master told the chassid that if he really   The year of 5780 was a very chal-  At this time of the year, G-d calls for
       wants to see a holy and meaningful    lenging one. We experienced bit-     a “Great Reset.” For the last decade
       kapparot, he should go to Reb Moshe,   terness, loneliness and suffering. We   and more, mankind has advanced
       the innkeeper who lived in another    still  mourn and regret the passing of   in  so  many  fields:  technology,  med-
       town.                                 relatives and friends. Society faces   icine, economics, industry, etc. The
                                             a  scary and  uncertain  future.  Many   feeling of  “םי ִ קלֹא ֵּ כ  ם ֶ תיִי ְ ה ִ ו” –  and you
       Obediently, the chassid made his way   people would indeed like to delete the   became like G-d, seemed appropri-
       to Reb Moshe to see how he per-       memory of these last few months.     ate. Suddenly though, this year it all
       formed kapparot on Erev Yom Kippur.                                        came crumbling down. We have lit-
       He reached the modest house and saw   I doubt if many of us have the courage,   erally felt the verse  ה ָ מי ִ ל ְּ ב  ל ַ ע ץ ֶ ר ֶ א ה ֶ ל ּ ֹת
       a  man  sitting  at  a  table.  And  this  is   purity and holiness of Reb Moshe to   (Job 26:7), “Who suspends earth over
       what he overheard:                    make this kind of deal with G-d. Even   nothingness.”
                                             to describe and list our good deeds
       “My dear wife, please bring the two   and merits is a little presumptuous, as   It’s not all doom and heaviness though.
       booklets I keep throughout the year.”   the  passuk says “If you are righteous,   Throughout this pandemic, we have
                                             what do you give Him?” (Job 35:7).   also witnessed many positive deeds
       Reb Moshe opened the first one and                                         and initiatives. Inspiring acts of
       began to cry as he read his list of sins   Of course, our Sages teach us that we   chessed, people supporting and caring
       aloud. “Ribbono Shel Olam, Master of   are not allowed to erase nor obliter-  for one another and an increase of
       the Universe, I know I made a lot of   ate the past. On the contrary, we have   global online Torah learning.
       mistakes throughout the year. I didn’t   the obligation to remember and grow
       keep  your  Torah  and  I transgressed   from adversity, as human beings, as a   My personal lessons from the pan-
       many of your commandments.”           nation and as a society.             demic are developing a stronger and
                                                                                  deeper connection with G-d, appreci-
       He then closed the first book and     Rambam  says,  “Among  the  ways  of   ating His World and Magnificence and
       spoke in a serious tone: “Master of   repentance are, for the penitent to con-  a more powerful feeling of belonging
       the Universe, I admit my faults and   tinue to cry out in tearful supplication   to Am Yisrael.
       mistakes. But with Your permission,   before Hashem” (Hilchot Teshuva 2,
       I would like to read from this other   4). “Sins which he had made confession   During this coming year, I pray to
       book.” Reb Moshe opened the book      of one Day of Atonement, one should   translate those feelings into actions
       and began to describe the suffering of   repeat and make a confession on every   that will improve our world.
       our Exile, and all the poverty, starving,   other Day of Atonement, though he
       persecutions and isolation the Jewish   continues to be a penitent” (ibid. 8).
       people had suffered that year.                                             Rabbi Shmuel (Saul) Paves is Community
                                             Repentance consists of a continuous   Rav  at  Minian  Israel  (formerly  Bnei  Akiva)
       Reb Moshe raised his voice and said,   process of recollection, recalling our   and Vice-President of Mizrachi Brazil. He
       “Dear G-d, I have a deal for you – let’s   faults and contemplating the vicissi-  was also Ram at Yeshivat Or Israel College
       delete my book and Your Book. Let’s   tudes of our past. This process brings   and Headmaster of Yavne School.

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