Page 40 - HaMizrachi # 22 Rosh HahHana - Yom Kippur 2020 USA
P. 40
Rabbi Menachem Leibtag
s the Day of Atonement a pre- coming year as well, based on the first As Yom Kippur, the 10 of Tishrei,
cise translation for Yom Kippur? time we find the word kippurim in the marks the anniversary of G-d’s decla-
IIn English, the word “atone- details of the dedication ceremony of ration of His attributes of Mercy, and
ment” implies amends for certain the Mishkan (Shemot 29). the re-establishment of the Covenant,
wrongdoing. In this sense, the Day it is only fitting that on this day we
of Atonement implies expiation for Before the Priests could begin their remind ourselves of this special privi-
transgressions we may have commit- daily service in the Mishkan, there was lege, that G-d continues to dwell in our
ted over the course of the previous a need for a seven-day inaugural cere- midst, even though we may not always
year. However, in Chumash, we find mony where the blood of a sacrificial be perfect. Symbolically, the High
numerous instances in which the word ram was sprinkled upon them. In a Priest entering the Holy of Holies on
kippurim is used in a very different similar manner, the blood of a sacrifi- this day reflects our desire to remain
context. cial bull was sprinkled on the mizbay- His loyal servants. However, to show
ach. In the summary verses, this act of G-d that we need ‘protection’ – as we
For example, in Bereishit, when G-d sprinkling the blood is referred to as
commands Noach to build the ark, we kippurim (see 29:36). may not be worthy of this encounter
– the High Priest must perform a sym-
find the very first use of this shoresh bolic act of kapara (see Vayikra 16:16).
(ר-פ-כ), suggesting it implies a sort of This suggests that before the Priests
protective covering: “you shall coat can begin their service of G-d in the As every Jew is a member of this
it from within in and out with ‘kofer’ Mishkan, they require some sort of Priestly nation, we serve G-d not only
– pitch.” In Shemot (16:4), the Torah protection. Most likely, this ‘protec- in His Temple but also in our daily
employs this same root to describe the tion’ is necessary as G-d’s Shechi- lives by keeping His commandments.
manna covering the ground like frost. nah will dwell in the Mishkan. This Therefore, at the beginning of every
Later in Shemot (25:17), the special lid encounter with G-d is quite danger- year, we must not only ask G-d for for-
for the Ark of the Covenant is named ous, for a human who is not worthy of giveness for our transgressions of the
the “kaporet” – ת ֶ רֹ ּ פ ַּ כ. While the typical this encounter may deserve immediate previous year, but we must also pre-
Biblical word for a covering is ה ֶ ס ְ כ ִ מ, death. pare ourselves for the spiritual chal-
this special name ת ֶ רֹ ּ פ ַּ כ highlights its lenges that will face us in the year that
protective nature, for the keruvim on In fact, in the aftermath of the Sin of now begins, showing our gratitude to
this kaporet are protecting the Ark the Golden Calf, G-d warned Moshe G-d for His attributes of Mercy that
(the symbol of our Covenant with that He can no longer dwell among enable our relationship to remain eter-
G-d) – just as they protect the ‘path this stiff-necked nation, due to their nal. Hence, Yom HaKippurim serves as
to the Tree of Life’ in Gan Eden (see rebellious nature. Had Moshe Rabe- a very fitting name for this holiday, as
Bereishit 3:24 and Mishlei 3:18). inu not interceded on their behalf, the our worthiness to remain His People
Therefore, when Vayikra (23:27) special covenant between G-d and begins with our humble recognition
informs us that the 10th day of the Am Yisrael would have been broken that we may not always be so worthy.
seventh month is Yom HaKippurim, forever. However, in light of Moshe
there must be something ‘protective’ Rabbeinu’s famous prayer (see Shemot
about that special day! This simplest 33:12-19), G-d establishes a new Cov-
understanding might be that this day enant, this time including the option
protects us from punishment for our of Mercy and Forgiveness for wayward
sins of the previous year. However, behavior, thus enabling G-d’s Shechi- Rabbi Menachem Leibtag is an interna-
one could suggest a different under- nah to dwell among His People even tionally acclaimed Tanach scholar and
standing, one that looks forward to the though they may be stiff-necked. online Jewish education pioneer.
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