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sensitivities involved. Tahel accompanies was developed to provide standardization and How can you actually reach every
the victims through hospital procedures and tools for implementing child protection policies community in the world?
criminal proceedings, including legal guidance and procedures in schools, organizations, “I work with communities that invite me. People
for assault victims. Using its expertise, Tahel communities and synagogues. This certification who want change and who want to create
organizes international conferences on violence is based on the need for comprehensive policies a protected community. In practice, the Tav
and abuse in the community, held every three to prevent sexual abuse and to provide tools for Tahel sets a new standard; measurable criteria
years in Israel, with over 600 participants from intervention in abuse cases. The certification intended to provide a range of protection. How
all over the world. process is intended to help the organization they apply the Standard is the community’s
“We Became Informers” develop a comprehensive approach to the or institution’s choice. I do not have to be
A.,supported byTahel,livesinanultra-Orthodox protection of children and to ensure proper physically present in a community because
community in a peripheral Israeli town. Her reporting and intervention. that community can choose its own local
three children attended one of the most sought services for child guidance and other matters.
after“cheders”in the area. Over the years, all the TfoarvCThaihldelPCreortteicftiicoante It becomes my job to ensure that the standard
sons had the same teacher, a respected member of the content is up to date, so that creating the
of their community. But one day her eldest son is hereby awarded to: Tav Tahel will enable me to achieve the goal of
reported to the school administration that the creating protected communities in the Jewish
teacher had sexually abused him. “His little Moriah Primary School world.”
brother had begun studying in the same school The news about Tav Tahel has already spread.
and he didn’t want his brother to get hurt too,” for the implemeTnatahteiolnSotafncdhailrddpsrfootreCcthioilnd pPorloicteiecstioanndCperroticfiecadtuiorens as required by This October (16-19), Debbie Gross has been
A. tells us. The walls of silence collapsed. One by invited to present at the Charleston ChildTrauma
one the three children confessed to her that they Debbie Gross 01/8/2018 Conference in South Carolina for professionals in
had all fallen victim to unspeakable abuse. Name/Title of Presenter Date the non-Jewish sector.
“During the first two weeks, we were simply in What do rabbis say about your activities?
shock,”she recalls.“We were with the children at “If every school, community, synagogue, “You will be surprised to hear that I am in close
home as we digested what had happened, the organization, factory and society adopts the contact with ultra-Orthodox rabbis as well as
administration had to report to the police, and Tav Tahel, we can certainly prevent or minimize with liberal ones. In the ultra-Orthodox and
my children were summoned to testify...” For most of the incidents,”says Debbie Gross. Chassidic communities, we have rabbinical
almost two years, A. and her children spent time “Over the course of my work, I have come approval for educational materials, plays and
in police stations and in courts. The teacher was across 25-year-old men who were sexually workshops so that we can work within the
indeed suspended from his post and eventually abused during bar mitzvah preparations or educational institutions.”
imprisoned. But what the family went through childhood sports activities, and girls who came What is your hope for the New Year?
since they dared to break the silence was an to Israel a year after high school and reported “Protected communities and protected schools
ongoing nightmare. “It was a terrible time. We harassment by the program’s staff. We are are my dream. I hope and pray that we’ll get the
were completely isolated. We spoke with rabbis lacking professionalism, and this is the next job done. I hope that every person will realize
and they told us to ‘leave it,’ ‘get the children goal I’m setting for myself.” Debbie sounds that ensuring the safety of our children is their
seen to,’‘move from the city.’They tried to silence determined: “Do parents ask themselves if responsibility as well. The vast majority of cases
everything. People from the community came to their synagogue has protection regulations? can be prevented if there is proper guidance and
our house, angry that we had gone to the police. Does the rabbi speak about the subject in the an available system that could activate a red
One of the attacker’s relatives came to us and community? Does the school have a curriculum light for anyone in distress.”
tried to offer money to keep us quiet. After the that covers this subject? Does the summer
case reached the police, the attacker’s associates camp have anyone who can identify abnormal To build a program in your community, or to
changed strategy and tried to ostracize us from behavior (of an adult or between children, who help Tahel reach its goal of ensuring child safety
the community. They embarked on a legal and are now exposed to a great deal of sexuality on in every community, contact Debbie Gross at
social war of attrition. They teased my children, the internet)? Unfortunately, in my experience,
told them they were informers.” most places have nothing, and where they do, it
This story and many others have motivated is extremely minimal.”
Debbie Gross to embark on a new project this
year – “Tahel for Protection.” The Standard
for Child Protection Certification (“Tav Tahel”)