Page 21 - HAMIZRACHI #4-RH-USA-flipbook_Neat
P. 21

Rabbanit Rachelle Fraenkel

			P	recoifoTursannessisence
M y aunt says air conditioners
             destroyed the bungalow          The first verse in Kohelet, Ecclesiastes,      The source that gives this beauty its
             colonies. People just felt too  is often translated as: “Utter futility!       sublime transcendence also causes it to
comfortable. Besides, it made everyone       – said Kohelet – Utter futility! All is        be transient, impossible to hold on to.
leave their porches and go indoors,          futile!” However, the word “hevel” (that       Every brief blooming, each autumn fall,
changing the whole social climate.           appears 38 times in Kohelet), is not to        every sunset, evokes a longing, almost
                                             be understood as futility, nonsense, or        a distress. The experience of beauty
We had this discussion in our Israeli        emptiness, but as transience. The verse        carries an eternal life in the elusive
sukkah. Surrounded by some of our best       means that everything is temporary and         moment and then… it’s gone.
furniture, cozy and comfortable, the last    fleeting.
thing we missed was an air-conditioner.      That is neither judgmental nor negative.       “Enjoy a life,” Kohelet teaches us, “with
But aren’t we supposed to feel just a        It is a fundamental truth King Solomon         your wife, whom you love, all the days of
bit uncomfortable? How else will we          assumes throughout his book: Our lives         this meaningless life that G-d has given
remember we’re in a Sukkah?                  are finite. Nothing will last forever,         you under the sun.” That is not the
                                             certainly not us.                              correct understanding of hevel! These
“The Torah said: emerge from the             When Rabbi Yochanan finds the sick             are not meaningless days! If it was
permanent residence and reside in a          Rabbi Elazar crying, (Berachot 5b) he          meaningless, what would be the point of
temporary residence.” (Sukkah 2a)            asks him why he is crying. Did you not         investing in love? Kohelet is telling us:
                                             study enough Torah? The hardships of           Treasure the days we were given together,
The need to feel that a sukkah is not        earning a living? The loss of sons? Rabbi      because life is fleeting, and therefore
a permanent home influenced many             Elazar replies: “over this beauty that will    invaluable.
halachic discussions: maximum height,        decompose in the earth.” Everything
minimal size, how it’s made, and more.       you asked about, I could handle. But I         We spend Sukkot in the temporary
Living in an impermanent hut, we are         weep for your amazing beauty, Rabbi            sukkah. Yet we understand nothing
reminded of the hardships in the desert      Yochanan, that like all of us shall be         is really permanent. The home and
and G-d’s miraculous protection.             consumed in the dust. Rabbi Yochanan           life we consider stable are themselves
                                             astonishes us with his answer: “Yes, we        impermanent. But within our home,
Here’s the other side. A major principle     should certainly weep over this!” And          we can also fulfill “Teshvu Ke’eyn
on Sukkot is “Teshvu Ke’eyn Taduru”          they both cried.                               Taduru.” We can learn to experience
– sit in the sukkah as you would in a        When we watch a spectacular sunset, our        the full beauty of every moment; in our
permanent home. This greatly affects         breath is taken away. Something in this        personal, family, and communal lives.
the sukkah experience. It’s what makes       beauty touches eternity. We do not have        Remembering the desert Sukkot, we
us schlep our favorite armchair outside,     the capacity to contain it. We desperately     can also fully appreciate and cherish the
the number of meals we eat it in it, even    try to take it in, because it will be gone in  immeasurable goodness our generation
a husband and wife’s ability to share        seconds. We sense infinity in the essence      has been blessed with in Eretz Yisrael.
their bedroom might be considered a          of this fleeting moment. Nowadays, we
necessary part of a permanent living         immediately attempt to photograph,             Rabbanit Rachelle Fraenkel is a Torah
experience.                                  but we feel how pathetic that is. It is        e‎ ducator at Nishmat and Matan
                                             impossible to pocket this majesty.
We feel permanent within the temporary.
We live in the moment.

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