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peaker, author, and market researcher Pamela N. Danziger   that translates into a desirable shopping experience.
             is internationally recognized for her expertise on the world’s   In  many  ways,  evolving  options  for  consumer  purchasing  has
        Smost influential consumers: the American Affluent, including   created a lot of confusion for small, independent retailers, because
        the HENRYs (high-earners-not-rich-yet) mass affluent.  We had the   most  small  businesses  operate  under  the  old  4  P’s  of  marketing
        opportunity to interview her recently for JHJ magazine, and get her   framework, which are Price, Product, Promotion and Place.
        thoughts on where small business is headed for 2018.
                                                                I recommend that small retailers forget about the 4 P’s and adopt
         JHJ Mag:  You are a strong advocate for small businesses.  Why
                                                                a new strategy with the “4 E’s,” which are Experience, Exchange,
        are  you  so  passionate  about  small  businesses  and  what  do  you
                                                                Evangelism and Everyplace.  The secret is to use these 4E ideas to
        think is the one trait that a small business owner must possess to be
                                                                communicate and deliver meaningful value and experiences to your
         Pam Danziger: My message is “Small is the Big Story,” when
                                                                Start by thinking about where you like to go shopping.  Where do
        it  comes  to  retail.    Small,  independent  retailers  have  the  ability
                                                                you get your greatest thrill?  Study those retailers and experiences
        to create a personal, eye to eye relationship connection with their
                                                                that are special and exciting to you.
        customers  that  big  box  retailers  can’t  cultivate.  That  is  the  key,
        strategic advantage for small businesses, and they need to capitalize   Take some time to get out into your community. Too many retailers
        on that in every way.  The #1 trait I believe independent retailers   think of themselves vertically.  As a business owner, you can learn
        need to develop is a helpful, friendly, personable attitude to interact   a  lot  from  many  other  types  of  small  businesses,  not  just  other
        with  customers.   And  if  the  business  owner  doesn’t  want  to  be   jewelers.
        the face of the business and carry that position, they need to hire   The two main factors in creating an enjoyable shopping experience
        someone to fill the role of business ambassador for them.    and  engaging  people  are  touching/interacting  with  products  and
         If you own a retail business and are spending more than 50% of   people in the store, and just spending time inside.  The more your
        your time in the back room, then you are not delegating your time   customers are talking, touching and trying things on, the greater
        properly and sales are going to reflect that.  As a business owner, it   amount of time they will spend in your store, which will translate
        is up to you to model the type of customer service you want your   into higher sales.  The experience is what comes to the forefront.
        business to provide, and let your staff take their cues on customer   JHJ Mag:  How do you think AI will affect small businesses and
        interaction from you.                                   do you see an easy way for small businesses to adopt AI into their
         Because of the unique nature of the jewelry industry, many bench   overall business strategy?
        jewelers are store owners as well.  Bench jewelers need to make
        their own call to take a hard cold look at the business they are in.
        Are you a retailer who runs a jewelry store first or a bench jeweler
        who owns a jewelry store?  These are two totally different skill sets.
         If you want to be successful at retail, then you need to focus your
        attention and energy on being a retailer, not a jewelry designer or
        bench jeweler.  The start of a new year is a great time to reexamine
        your priorities as well.  You might have made decisions 10 years ago
        that were right for you and your store 10 years ago, and have now
        become fixed in stone.  Everything continues to evolve in business,
        and a decision that was right for you 5 or 10 years ago might be very
        wrong today.
         JHJ  Mag:    In  your  book,  “Shops  that  POP!”  you  outline  7
        steps to extraordinary retail success. and discuss a retail shopping
        “experience.”  What is your definition of a retail “experience” and
        how important is that to targeting and growing a customer base?
         Pam Danziger: As far as the “Retail experience,” is concerned, the
        main message I have observed is in the past, shopping and buying
                                                                Pam Danziger: One topic that I believe small retailers can ignore
        went hand in glove - you had to go shopping to buy something.
                                                                is AI.  It’s much ado about nothing as far as I am concerned for
        Today,  shopping  and  buying  are  not  one  and  the  same.    When
                                                                independents.  If they are busy worrying about AI then they are
        you want to buy a product today, most people, they go right to the
                                                                taking  their  eyes  off  what  they  should  really  be  worried  about,
        internet and buy it.
                                                                which is creating extraordinary personal experiences for customers
         When consumers today decide  to go shopping, they are making   in their stores.  Person-to-person, hand-to-hand, and eye-to-eye!
        a  choice  to  become  involved  in  a  retail  experience.   They  want
        to  actively  engage  with  people  and  products  and  are  oftentimes   I say this because AI isn’t here yet, and what small retailer has the
        deliberately seeking out the expertise of small, independent retailers   money to invest in the development of it?  Start with your basics,
        to help them make decisions on important purchases.     a great website, creative social media, developing your Facebook
                                                                and Instagram, and so on.  A lot of small businesses don’t have
         As a retailer, it is up to you to identify and create ways that you can
        elevate every “store visit,” into a memorable “customer experience.”    the technical expertise they need to develop these areas, and don’t
        It is less about what you are selling and more about how you sell it
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