Page 7 - Tzurba Sampler
P. 7

x                                                                  Tzurba M’Rabanan

                     Hilchot Purim
                     Ta’anit Esther                                                   243
                     Zecher Lemachazit Hashekel                                       245
                     Megilla Reading                                                  247
                        The Berachot Preceding the Megilla                            247
                        The Beracha of Harav et Riveinu                               249

                        The Obligation of Megilla Reading for Women and Children      250
                        The Halacha of a Megilla Missing Words and a Person who
                        Missed a Few Words During the Reading                         254
                     The Purim Se’uda                                                 256
                        The Proper Time for the Purim Se’uda                          257
                     Mishloach Manot                                                  258
                     Matanot La’evyonim                                               260

                        The Amount that Needs to be Given                             260
                        The Time for Giving Matanot La’evyonim                        261
                        The Obligation of Women Regarding the Mitzvot of Purim        262
                     Summary of Hilchot Purim                                         263
                     Further Iyun – Mishloach Manot and Recipients who Suffer from
                     Diabetes or Celiac Disease                                       267
                     Responsa                                                         273

                     Hilchot Leil Haseder I
                     Introduction                                                     277

                     Kadesh                                                           278
                        The Mitzva of Drinking Four Cups of Wine                      278
                        How Much Wine Must One Drink?                                 279
                        The Size of the Cup                                           282
                     Reclining                                                        283
                     Urchatz                                                          286
                     Karpas                                                           287

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