Page 10 - Tzurba Sampler
P. 10

ןנברמ אברוצ                                                                     xiii

        Adar I 5779
        February 2019

        Dear Reader
        On behalf of the Mizrachi World Movement and our branches across the English-speaking world, it is with
        much excitement that we present this new edition of Tzurba M’Rabanan with English translation, commentary
        and essays.

        Tzurba M’Rabanan is an incredible learning program which, on a week-by-week basis, takes its participants
        through the major halachic areas of Shulchan Aruch. Its unique ability to be an in-depth learning program which
        is at the same time accessible and relevant has seen it take communities around Israel by storm, with over 10,000
        people now attending shiurim daily.
        The Tzurba M’Rabanan project was initiated by one of the Jewish world’s leading scholars, Rabbi Benzion Algazi
        א“טילש, and we at Mizrachi are privileged to be a partner in bringing this unique series of Talmud Torah to the
        English-speaking world.
        Thank you to Rabbi Doron Podlashuk, the Director of the Manhigut Toranit program, for his sterling work in
        adapting and translating this high-level work. Mizrachi has the privilege of being a partner with Eretz Hemdah
        in the ground-breaking Manhigut Toranit program.

        May this program be an ongoing fulfillment of the verse, םִ‍ָ ל ׁ ָ שּורי ִ מ‍’ה‍ר ַ ב ְ דּו‍ה ָ רֹות‍א ֵ צ ֵּ ת‍ןֹוּי ִּ צ ִ מ‍י ִּ כ, in connecting
        communities around the world through the Torah of Eretz Yisrael.

        Rabbi Doron Perez
        Chief Executive
        Mizrachi World Movement

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