Page 15 - Tzurba Sampler
P. 15

ןנברמ אברוצ                                                    ׳א הרז הדובע תוכלה · 17

        Although the worship of pagan idolatry is not as widespread in more recent times as it was in the times of
        Chazal, we nevertheless find much dispute among the poskim with regard to the halachic status of other
        monotheistic religions, specifically Islam and Christianity, and whether they constitute avoda zara (idolatry).
        As we will see, the poskim distinguish between these two religions and their halachic ramifications.

                 The Halachic Status of Islam

        The Rishonim argue whether Islam has the status of idolatry. The Meiri first cites the opinions that Muslims
        are considered monotheistic.

        r    Beit Habechira of the Meiri,                           | )יריאמ( הריחבה תיב    1 .
             Masechet Avoda Zara 57a                               .זנ הרז הדובע תכסמ
        [With regard to] The Ishmaelites: There is an opinion that holds   םהילע  רמואש  ימ  שי  וללה  םילאעמשי
        that they are not considered idol worshipers and they have the full   רגכ  םתוא  םינדו  ז"ע  ידבוע  םניאש
        status of one who is a ger toshav (a resident foreigner permitted to live    לע ףאו האנהב רסוא םעגמ ןיאו בשות
        in the Land of Israel), and their touching [of wine does not] prohibit    לבקש  לכ  בשות  רג  והזיא  ורמאש  יפ
        one from receiving benefit [from it]. Although they [the Sages] said:    םירמוא  םימכחו  ז"ע  דובעל  אלש  וילע
        “Who is considered a ger toshav? One who accepts upon himself    ינפל הלבקבו תוצמ עבש וילע לבקש לכ
        not to worship idols, but the Rabbis said: Only one who accepts all
        seven Noachide laws and does this in front of three chaverim,” and    םהילע םילבקמ םניא ולאו םירבח השלש
        these [Ishmaelites] do not accept this [the criteria of the Rabbis]    ותויחהל  איהה  אינת  יכ  ורמא  רבכ  ךכ
        upon themselves, [the Sages] have said that this [definition of a ger    חא תרותמ ותויחהל וניוטצנ אלש רמולכ
        toshav] was only referring to [the law that one is not obligated to]   לכ האנהב וניי רוסיאל לבא הז ךרדב אלא
        support him as a brother [as per Vayikra 25:35] unless he fits into   …ןינמה  ללכב  היה  אל  ז"ע  דבוע  וניאש
        this category. However, with regard to the prohibition of receiving   וניצמ ירהש הב ןיקלוח דרפס ימכח מ"מו
        benefit from the wine that he touched, as long as he does not worship    תודובע ללכב הנומ אוהש ןושאר קרפב
        idols he is not included in this prohibition…  Nevertheless, the   :איברעבש ארשיג תורז
        Sefardic Sages disagree, since we have found in the first chapter [of
        Masechet Avoda Zara, 11b] that [their worship] is listed within the
        idol worship of “Gishra in Arabia.”

        The Ran writes that although the Ishmaelites don’t make their “prophets” into deities, nevertheless they are
        considered idolaters, similar to the second opinion in the Meiri.

        r    Chidushei HaRan,                                             | ן”רה ישודיח    2 .
             Masechet Sanhedrin 61b                                 :אס ןירדהנס תכסמ

        And we learn from this that regarding the saints of the gentiles as   םגו םיתוכ לש םישדקהש ןאכמ ונדמלו
        well as the deranged one of the Ishmaelites [Mohammed], although   ןיאש יפ לע ףא םילאעמשיה לש עגושמה

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