Page 20 - Tzurba Sampler
P. 20

22 · Hilchot Avoda Zara I                                          Tzurba M’Rabanan

        In addition to discussing the halachic status of Christianity, the  poskim also discuss the nature of the
        prohibition to enter a church.

        p     Responsa Yechaveh Daat 4:45                       המ:ד | תעד הוחי ת”וש   . 11
        Question: Is it permitted for a Jew to enter a church?   לש  הייסנכב  רקבל  ידוהיל  רתומ  םאה  :הלאש
        Answer: In Masechet Avoda Zara (17a) it is explained that                   ?םירצונ
        there is a prohibition even to come close to the entrance    ,ראובמ )א”ע זי ףד( הרז הדובע תכסמב :הבושת
        of a house of idol worship, as the verse states: “Do not    לש  תיבה  חתפל  ברקתהל  וליפא  רוסיא  שיש
        come close to the entrance of her house.” This is also    ןכו .התיב חתפ לא ברקת לא רמאנש ,הרז הדובע
        stated [explicitly] by Tosafot there… Indeed it has been
        clarified by the Rambam that Christians are considered idol    ףוס( ם”במרב ראובמ הנהו …םש תופסותה ובתכ
        worshipers and therefore their churches are real houses of    םירצונהש ,)תורוסא תולכאמ תוכלהמ א”י קרפ
        idol worship. Therefore, it is quite clear that it is prohibited    תיבכ םתייסנכ ןיד אליממו ,םה הרז הדובע ידבוע
        to visit churches.                             רקבל רוסאש דואמ רורב ןכלו ,שממ הרז הדובע
        In summary: The matter is clear that it is absolutely                .םירצונה תייסנכב
        prohibited to visit their churches. Tour guides must be   רקבל  טלחהב  רוסאש  רורב  רבדה  :םוכיסב
        careful not to stumble in this matter or cause other Jews   רמשהל תוריית יכירדמ לעו ,םירצונ לש תויסנכב
        who are visiting Israel to stumble by taking them to these    םידוהי  ולישכי  אלו  ולשכי  לבל  דואמ  רהזהלו
        churches, as this constitutes a transgression of “lifnei iver”…   ,םירצונה תויסנכ לא םליבוהל לארשיב םירקבמה
                                                      …לושכמ ןתת אל רוע ינפלו םושמ רוסיא הזב שיש

                                            FURTHER IYUN
          For an extensive study on the prohibition of entering a church and the status of Christianity in contemporary times, see page 37.

        The consensus of the poskim is that it is forbidden to enter a church in most situations (see the Further Iyun
        section). Moreover, most poskim forbid entering a church that is currently used only as a tourist or historical
        site, as it still retains the status of a house of idol worship. 4

           article R. J. David Bleich in Tradition 2011, available at See also Rav Chaim Dovid HaLevi
           (Techumin 9; Sefer Bein Yisrael Le’amim) who discusses the possibility that Christians today are not completely considered idol worshipers with
           regard to specific issues. See the essay in the further iyun section at the back for a more extensive discussion about this. [Addition of the editors of
           the English edition]
        4.   Rav Chaim Dovid HaLevi (Aseh Lecha Rav 4:53) adopts a minority opinion that it is permitted to visit churches that are no longer active but only
           function as historical sites. [Addition of the editors of the English edition]

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