Page 18 - Tzurba Sampler
P. 18

20 · Hilchot Avoda Zara I                                          Tzurba M’Rabanan

         The Halachic Status of Christianity

        In six places in the  Mishneh Torah, the  Rambam relates to Christianity and its founder, and he rules
        categorically that it is considered complete idolatry.

        r     Rambam, Hilchot Avoda Zara 9:4                ד:ט הרז הדובע ’לה | ם”במר    6 .
        The Christians are idol worshipers and Sunday is [considered]   םוי  אוה  ןושאר  םויו  םה  ז”ע  ידבוע  םירצונה
        the day of their festival. Therefore, it is forbidden to do business   ץראב םהמע תאשלו תתל רוסא ךכיפל ,םדיא
        with them in the Land of Israel on Thursday and Friday every    תבשו תבש לכבש ישש םויו ישימח םוי לארשי
        single week, and certainly on Sunday itself, which is forbidden    רוסא אוהש ומצע ןושאר םוי רמול ךירצ ןיאו
        in any location. This is how we relate to them regarding all of   .םהידיא לכב םהמע ןיגהונ ןכו ,םוקמ לכב
        their festivals. 2

        r     Rambam, Hilchot Maachalot Asurot 11:7      ז:אי תורוסא תולכאמ ’לה | ם”במר    7 .
        [Concerning]  a  Ger Toshav  –  one  who  has  accepted  upon   ומכ תוצמ עבש וילע לביקש אוהו בשות רג
        himself the seven mitzvot of the sons of Noach, as we   ,היינהב  רתומו  הייתשב  רוסא  וניי  ונראיבש
        have explained – it is prohibited to drink his wine, but it is    ,ןיי  ולצא  ןידיקפמ  ןיאו  ןיי  ולצא  ןידחיימו
        permitted to derive benefit from it. And one may leave wine    ולא  ןוגכ  ם”וכע  דבוע  וניאש  ם”וכע  לכ  ןכו
        with him briefly, but not for an extended period. Similarly    היינהב רתומו הייתשב רוסא ןניי םילאעמשיה
        with regard to any gentile who does not worship idolatry,    *םידבועה  םתוא  לבא  ,םינואגה  לכ  ורוה  ןכו
        such as the Ishmaelites, their wine may not be drunk, but one
        may derive benefit from it, and such was the opinion of all   .היינהב רוסא םניי םתס ם”וכע
        the Geonim. But one may not derive benefit from the wine of   םירצונה לבא – תירוקמ הסריג*
        those [gentiles] who worship idolatry.*
        * In the original version – the Christians

        Other opinions argue that Christians are not considered idol worshipers. This is based on the opinion of
        Tosafot that gentiles are not subject to the prohibition of shituf (partnering a deity with G-d).

        r     Tosafot, Masechet Sanhedrin 63b              :גס ןירדהנס תכסמ | תופסות     8 .
        Rabbeinu Tam says that it is permitted to receive an oath from   םדאל רוסא ה”ד
        a gentile… Although they mention the name of Heaven with    ףאו …העובשה ונמיה לבקל רתומ רמוא ת”רו
        them and their intentions are for something else, nevertheless    םתנווכו  ש”ש  םהמע  ןיריכזמש  המש  יפ  לע
        this isn’t considered idolatry for they are still referring to the   םג םיבכוכ תדובע םש הז ןיא מ”מ רחא רבדל
        One who created the heavens. And although they mention the

        2.   According to this, it would seem that it is forbidden to do business with Christians on these days, but the common practice for hundreds of years
           has been to permit commerce with them. The Rishonim have suggested various explanations for this, such as: Gentiles are no longer entirely
           committed to their faith as idol worshipers once were (Tosafot, Avoda Zara 2a), due to concerns of enmity (Tosafot ibid.), it would be impossible
           to refrain from such a practice and the Sages were therefore more lenient in their decree (Ramban, Avoda Zara 13a), and commerce nowadays
           is so common that no Christian would go and thank his gods for any profit obtained, which was the original reason given for this decree (Meiri,
           Avoda Zara 2a).

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