Page 19 - Tzurba Sampler
P. 19
ןנברמ אברוצ ׳א הרז הדובע תוכלה · 21
name of Heaven with something else, we have not found that it ןיפתשמש יפ לע ףאו םימש השועל םתעד
is prohibited to cause others [gentiles] to partner (a deity with רוסאד ןחכשא אל רחא רבדו םימש םש
G-d), and there is no prohibition of lifnei iver (assisting another ינבד אכיל רוע ינפלו ףתשל םירחאל םורגל
in violating a transgression), for the children of Noach were not .ךכ לע ורהזוה אל חנ
commanded regarding this.
The Rema rules in accordance with this opinion of Tosafot:
a Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 156:1 א:ונק ח״וא | ע״וש 9 .
And one should be careful in making partnerships with gentiles; בייחתי אמש ,םיתוכה םע ףתתשהלמ רהזיו
perhaps [the gentile] will obligate himself to swear [against him] ךיפ לע עמשי אל םושמ רבועו העובש ול
and [the Jew] will violate “[The names of other gods] should not .)גי:גכ תומש(
be heard through your mouth.”
םע תופתוש תיישעב ןיליקמ שיו :הגה
Rema: Some are lenient regarding partnerships with gentiles ןמזב םיתוכה ןיאש םושמ ,ז”המזב םיתוכה
nowadays because the gentiles nowadays do not swear by ןיריכזמד בג לע ףאו ,א”עב םיעבשנ הזה
idolatry. And even though they mention the idol, nevertheless
their intention is to the Creator of Heaven and earth, except that ץראו םימש השועל םתנווכ מ”מ ,ז”עה
they join the name of Heaven and foreign gods. We do not find אלו ,א”דו םימש םש םיפתשמש אלא
that this [violates] “before a blind person you shall not place a ןתת אל רוע ינפלו :םושמ הזב שיש וניצמ
stumbling block,” because [gentiles] are not warned against shituf ןירהזומ םניא ירהד )די ,טי ארקיו( לושכמ
(partnering G-d with another deity). …ףותשה לע
However, Rav Ovadia Yosef rules that Christians are considered idol worshipers, citing the interpretation of
the Noda B’Yehuda.
p Responsa Yechaveh Daat 4:45 המ:ד | תעד הוחי ת”וש . 10
However in the responsa of the Noda B’Yehuda (Tanyana, Yoreh קלח ,אנינת( הדוהיב עדונ ת”ושב םלוא
Deah 148) he writes “that which is thought of as a precious אלגרמד יאמו ,בתכ )ח”מק ןמיס העד הרוי
expression by people – that gentiles are not commanded לע םיווצמ חנ ינב ןיאש ישניאד והיימופב
regarding shituf – this is a mistake and it arose due to the ruling רבד םהל אציו ,םדיב אוה תועט ,ףותישה
of the Rema, but in truth this is not the intention. Rather it is תמאבו .)ו”נק ןמיסב( א”מרה בתכש הממ הז
to say that when a non-Jew takes an oath by his idol together with עבשנ יוגהשכש רמול אלא ,ןכ הנווכה ןיאש
the name of Heaven, and does not say “you are my G-d” he is וניאו םימש םש ףותיש םע הרז הדובעב
not warned against [doing] this.” Accordingly, with regard to the .’וכו ךכ לע רהזומ וניא ,התא ילא רמוא
practices to which the Christians are accustomed to performing
in their churches, where they bow and prostate themselves םירצונה םיגהונש המ יפל הז יפלו .ש”ע
in the manner of worship of a deity, they certainly have the הדיקב תוהלא ךרד םש םיספותש היסנכב
status of idol-worshipers [as a result], in accordance with הדובע ידבוע ןיד םהל שיש יאדוב ,היוחתשהו
the opinion of the Rambam and [other] poskim that write ובתכש םיקסופהו ם”במרה ירבדכו ,הרז
that Christians are considered idol-worshipers. 3 .םה הרז הדובע ידבוע םירצונהש
3. It should be noted that Rav Ovadia is referring specifically to Catholicism here, which does include prostration in this manner as part of their
service. However, many other sects of Christianity do not include this as part of their worship, such as Protestants, Seventh Day Adventists, etc.
According to this logic, it is possible that the method of worship of such sects may not be considered avoda zara, though their conception of God
may still qualify as an avoda zara belief. For a brief discussion of this as well as a thorough analysis of the issue of entering a church, see the lengthy