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ןנברמ אברוצ ׳א הרז הדובע תוכלה · 27
Idolatrous Books
Just as one must generally distance oneself from idolatrous places and objects, it is also generally forbidden
to own and read idolatrous books. The Midrash (Sifrei, Bamidbar 115) derives this from the Torah’s injunction
not to “stray after your heart” (Bamidbar 15:39), which is understood to be referring heresy. The Rambam
also mentions this prohibition in the source below.
r Rambam, Hilchot Avoda Zara 2:2 ב:ב הרז הדובע ׳לה | ם”במר . 19
Many books have been composed by idol worshipers about its התדובעב םיבכוכ ידבוע ורבח םיבר םירפס
worship, as regards its principle and its rules and practice. The ,היטפשמו הישעמ המו התדובע רקיע ךאיה
Holy One, Blessed be He has commanded us not to read from ןתואב תורקל אלש אוה ךורב שודקה ונוצ
those books altogether, nor to meditate on them or a part thereof. .הירבדמ רבדב אלו הב רהרהנ אלו ללכ םירפסה
Despite this prohibition, the poskim discuss the possibility of gedolei Yisrael knowing about idolatry in order
to rule on matters of halacha.
p Responsa Igrot Moshe, | השמ תורגא ת”וש . 20
Yoreh Deah 2:111 איק:ב ד״וי
Nevertheless it is true that in order to learn and issue halachic אכיל תורוהלו ןיבהלד תמא ןידה םינפ לכ לע…
rulings… there is no prohibition. However, this leniency אלא ריתהל ןיא הז רתיה דצמ לבא .רוסיא
should only be used by gedolei hador (great Torah leaders םתסל אלו םימש תאריבו הרותב רודה ילודגל
of the generation) in Torah and fear of Heaven, and not just םשמ םיניבמש םירפסמ ארקל לבא .א”נב
anyone. But to read from books where it is clear that [their תוטשש םש םיבתוכש תוטשו לבה ירבד םהש
practices] are nonsense and foolishness, where it is written הז ןפואב סרוקהב דמלל ןכו המודכו ושע הז
that this foolish act was done, etc. or similarly to teach in such
a course – there is no prohibition. .רוסיא םוש הזב ןיא