Page 27 - Tzurba Sampler
P. 27
ןנברמ אברוצ ׳א הרז הדובע תוכלה · 29
Deriving Benefit from Idolatry
According to the halacha, it is also prohibited to derive benefit from any idolatrous object.
a Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah 142:1 א:במק ד״וי | ע״וש . 22
Just as it is prohibited to derive benefit from idolatry, so too is it ,האנהב םירוסא םיבכוכ תודובעהש םשכ
prohibited to derive benefit from any derivatives of it. Even if [the וליפא ,תורוסא הנממ תואבה תואנה לכ ךכ
idol] were burnt, it is prohibited to derive benefit from its coals .הרפאו התלחגב תונהיל רוסא הפרש םא
or ashes. However, it would be permitted to derive benefit from .התבהלשמ תונהיל רתומ לבא
the flame.
A prohibition even exists to benefit from the smell or sound of avoda zara. This is derived by the Gemara in
Pesachim from a parallel law regarding sanctified objects. The Gemara in Shabbat also derives a prohibition
of looking at an idolatrous image from a different verse.
t Masechet Pesachim 26a .וכ םיחספ תכסמ . 23
Rava said: From where do I say this? As it was taught in a רמא ,אינתד – הל אנימא אנמ :אבר רמא
beraita: Rabbi Shimon ben Pazi said that Rabbi Yehoshua ben יול ןב עשוהי יבר רמא יזפ ןב ןועמש יבר
Levi said in the name of Bar Kappara: The sound of the musical ןהב ןיא חירו הארמו לוק :ארפק רב םושמ
instruments in the Temple and the sight and smell of the incense אה ,אכילד אוה הליעמ .הליעמ םושמ
are not subject to the prohibition of misuse of consecrated .אכיא – ארוסיא
property. The implication is that there is no violation of the
prohibition of misuse of consecrated property by Torah law
in this case. However, there is a violation of the prohibition by
rabbinic law.
t Masechet Shabbat 149a .טמק תבש תכסמ . 24
The Sages taught in a beraita: With regard to writing that is תחתו הרוצה תחת ךלהמה בתכ :ןנבר ונת
under a picture or under graven images, it is prohibited to .תבשב ותורקל רוסא – תואנקוידה
read it on Shabbat lest one end up reading business documents. לכתסהל רוסא לוחב ףא – המצע אנקוידו
And with regard to an idolatrous image itself, even on a weekday .םילילאה לא ונפת לא רמאנש םושמ ,הב
it is prohibited to look at it, because it says: “Do not turn לא ונפת לא :ןינח יבר רמא – ?אדומלת יאמ
toward idols [al tifnu el ha’elilim] or make yourselves molten .םכתעדמ
gods, I am the Lord your God” (Vayikra 19:4). The Gemara
clarifies: What is the biblical derivation? Rabbi Chanin said:
Do not push God [al tefannu Kel] out of your mind by looking
at these images.