Page 30 - Tzurba Sampler
P. 30

32 · Hilchot Avoda Zara I                                          Tzurba M’Rabanan

        Rav Ovadia Yosef is more lenient and permits adopting an idolatrous song for use within Tefilla.

        p     Responsa Yabia Omer 6,                             ,ו קלח | רמוא עיבי ת”וש   . 33
             Orach Chaim 7                                                     ז ח״וא

        …How  much  more  so  regarding  a  tune  [that  it  should  be   ,תושממ הב ןיאש אמלעב הניגנמ ןכש לכו…
        permitted], which has no substance. Even though they stated   לוקד אהד ).וכ( םיחספב ורמאש יפ לע ףאו
        in Pesachim 26a states that “sound, sight and smell – although    מ”מ  ,הליעמ  םושמ  ןהב  ןיא  חירו  הארמ
        one is not subject to the prohibition of misuse of consecrated    רוסיא לוק ותואב ונייה ,אכיא אהימ ארוסיא
        property, nevertheless there is a transgression,” that was only    ירבדל  דבלב  הניגנמה  תרבעהב  לבא  ,ומצע
        regarding that forbidden sound itself. However, here when    םוש  ןיאו  ,ןאכל  ואב  תושדח  םינפ  ,השודק
        transferring the tune alone to words of holiness, it has a new
        identity (lit. a new face has arrived). There is [therefore]    ךותמ  תאז  השוע  צ”שהשכ  ,רבדב  רוסיא
        no prohibition at all when the chazzan does this with pure    רחובה ת”ישהל רמזלו חבשל ,הרוהט הנווכ
        intentions to praise and sing to Hashem Blessed is He, Who               .הרמז ירישב
        chooses the songs of praise.

        Rav Moshe Feinstein though adopts the more stringent opinion, and extends the prohibition even to a
        tune that is no longer used within an avoda zara context (e.g., church music from many years ago). 9

        p     Responsa Igrot Moshe, Yoreh Deah 2:56        ונ:ב ד״וי | השמ תורגא ת”וש   . 34
        The tunes that are sung in the Christian houses of worship are   תיבב  םירצונה  םירמזמש  םינוגינה  הנה
        definitely forbidden to listen to even by radio or phonograph.   אידארה י”ע ףא םעמשל רוסא יאדו םתלפית
        Not only the current tunes [are forbidden], but even old tunes    םירמזמש םינוגינה קר אלו ,ףארגאנאפ י”ע ףאו
        that are no longer in use, remain prohibited to sing… If so, we    ףא רבכמ םירמזמ ויהש המ וליפא אלא התע
        see that this is a very serious prohibition that can lead to heresy.    םינוגינה  ןתואב  רמזל  התע  וקיספהש  יפ  לע
        There is also a prohibition of mentioning their gods’ names,    רשפאש לודג רוסיא אוהד ןניזח כ”או …רוסא
        which is a separate prohibition of “it shall not be heard by your
        mouth,” which is forbidden even in [a case of] necessity, as is    רוסיא םג אליממ שי םגו תונימ ידיל ו”ח איביש
        mentioned in the Shulchan Aruch (Yoreh Deah 147:1).   עמשי אלד ואלב רוסאש םילילא םש תרכזה
                                                         ד”וי ע”שב אתיאדכ ךרוצל ףא רוסאש ךיפ לע
                                                                            .’א ףיעס ז”מק ןמיס

        9.   The Tzitz Eliezer (13:12) also takes strong exception to using these types of songs, as well as love songs, within the context of Tefilla, arguing that
           this is comparable to bringing a foreign fire into the sanctuary of Hashem (similar to Nadav and Avihu, who were killed for doing so in Vayikra
           chapter 10).

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