Page 34 - Tzurba Sampler
P. 34
36 · Hilchot Avoda Zara I Tzurba M’Rabanan
Idolatrous Books
1. Rambam – It is prohibited to read such books.
2. Igrot Moshe – It is permitted to rule on matters of halacha, but only by gedolei hador.
If one needs to teach about an aspect of avoda zara, it must taught in a way that it is
clear that it is nonsense and foolishness.
Deriving Benefit from Idolatry
1. Shulchan Aruch – It is prohibited to derive benefit from idolatry even if it has
already been burned. One may not derive benefit from the sounds, scent or sight of
2. Chochmat Adam – It is forbidden to sit in the shade of avoda zara.
3. The use of tunes played for idol worship
a. Sefer Chasidim, Rema, and Mishna Berura – It is forbidden to use idolatrous
songs as part of Tefilla.
b. Yabia Omer – It is permitted.
c. Igrot Moshe – It is prohibited even if this tune is no longer used for idolatry.
Praising an Idol Worshiper
1. Gemara and Shulchan Aruch – It is forbidden to praise an idol or idol worshiper.
2. Tzitz Eliezer – The prohibition applies only to an idol worshiper.
3. Shach – It applies to any gentile.
4. Chochmat Adam – The reason is so that one should not become close with a gentile
and learn from his actions.