Page 33 - Tzurba Sampler
P. 33
ןנברמ אברוצ ׳א הרז הדובע תוכלה · 35
Summary of Hilchot Avoda Zara I
The Status of Islam
1. Ran – It is considered avoda zara.
2. Rambam – It is not considered avoda zara.
3. Halachic ramifications regarding mosques
a. Tzitz Eliezer – It is prohibited to pray there or enter them.
b. Yabia Omer – It is not a house of idol worship, and therefore is permitted to
pray there.
The Status of Christianity
1. Rambam, Noda B’Yehuda – It is considered avoda zara.
2. Tosafot, Rema – It is not considered avoda zara (for gentiles).
3. Halachic ramifications regarding entering churches
a. Yabia Omer and other poskim – It is forbidden to enter a church.
b. Shulchan Aruch – One who sees such a building must recite the blessing
“shenatan erech apayim.”
c. Rambam – Strictly speaking, one may not even live in a city with a church.
d. Rav Soloveitchik – One may not even watch a ceremony in a church on T.V.
Idolatrous Images
1. Shulchan Aruch – If they are made for beauty, one may use or benefit from them.
2. Shach – This is only permitted if one knows for certain that it wasn’t used for avoda
3. Yechaveh Daat – One may even be lenient regarding a cross if it is designed for
beauty or for honor.