Page 29 - Tzurba Sampler
P. 29
ןנברמ אברוצ ׳א הרז הדובע תוכלה · 31
The Use of Tunes Played for Idol Worship
It is certainly forbidden to stand outside a church and listen to music being played inside during the service.
However, the commentaries cited below dispute whether it is permitted to use such tunes (e.g., church
music) within other contexts.
r Sefer Chasidim, Chapter 238 חלר ןמיס | םידיסח רפס . 29
One may not teach a priest the letters, nor should one play וינפל ןגני אלו ,תויתוא ח ָּ ל ַ ג ְ ל םדא דמלי אל…
a nice tune in front of him lest he use it in his service of ותוא ולש הרז הדובעב חלגה ןגני ןפ ,םיענ רמז
idolatry. Any tune used in the service of idolatry may not be השעי אל – הרז הדובע ינפב םינגנמש לכו .ןוגינ
used for Hashem. .ה”בקהל ןוגינ ותוא
According to the Sefer Chasidim, it is forbidden to use any idolatrous tune for Jewish music. It seems from
the Rema below that he too forbids using idolatrous songs within the Tefilla, and this is the understanding
of the Bach cited in the Mishna Berura. 8
a Rema, Orach Chaim 53:25 הכ:גנ ח״וא | א”מר . 30
A prayer leader that defiles his mouth or sings the songs of the ירישב ןנרמש וא ויפ לבנמה רוביצ חילשו
gentiles is rebuked not to do so. And if he doesn’t listen we וניא םאו ,ןכ תושעל אלש ודיב ןיחממ םירכנה
remove him from his position. .ותוא ןיריבעמ עמוש
a Mishna Berura, Orach Chaim 53:82 בפ:גנ | הרורב הנשמ . 31
The songs of the gentiles – This refers to tunes that they sing םירכנהש ןוגינב רמול ונוצר – םירכנה ירישב
to their idols. The Bach writes that only a tune that is used הבושתב ח”בו םהלש םילוליג תדובעל וב םינגנמ
specifically for this [purpose is forbidden]. .הזל דחוימש ןוגינב אקוד בתכ ז”כק ’יס
a Responsa of the Bach, Siman 127 זכק ןמיס | )תונשי( ח”ב ת”וש . 32
Regarding tunes that are sung in synagogues that are taken ’ירמזמש ’ינוגינב תויסנכ יתבב ’ירמזמש המ
from tunes sung in their houses of idol worship, it seems אלא רסוא ןיאש הארנ .םתלפת תיבב םהב
that only tunes that have been designated for idolatry are ם”כעהל ’ידחוימ םהש םינוגינ ןתואב אקווד
forbidden since it is designated for avoda zara, similar to a הרוסאש הבצמ ומכ ז”על קוח אוהש רחאמ
matzeiva (stone altar), which is forbidden anywhere, since the .ז”על קוח ’ינענכ הואשעש ינפמ םוקמ לכב
Canaanites rendered it designated for idolatry.
8. It would seem that the Bach would permit using songs of non-Jewish origin that are not idolatrous. With regard to this subject, see Ezriel Gelbish,
“Secular Music,” Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 2011, which elaborates on the general question of listening to and singing non-
Jewish music. It is also worthwhile to mention that some Acharonim interpret the Rema here as referring even to one who sings idolatrous songs at
other times not in the context of Tefilla (see, e.g., Levush, O.C. 53:25). [Addition of the editors of the English edition]