Page 12 - Tzurba Sampler
P. 12

ןנברמ אברוצ                                                                     xv


                             rabbi mordechai eliahu ל“צז
                             former sefardi chief rabbi of israel
                                      and rishon letzion

             I hereby recommend and support the Tzurba M’Rabanan Institute, which aims
             to increase and glorify Torah, and to train the generation in studying practical
             halacha from all sections of the Shulchan Aruch, for we have learned that great
             is the study that leads to action.

             I encourage and strengthen this great initiative which is transforming Jewish
             homes. So many come to learn and then apply the halacha they have learned in
             a special way that wins over the listeners and is spiritually uplifting.

             I am also happy that you have accepted my advice to teach women and children
             practical halacha, and you are still aiming for more.

             May it be God’s will that many more join the
             study because this is the basic obligation of
             Torah study – “One who studies halachot
             every day is promised the World to Come.”

             May you continue onwards to increase
             and glorify Torah and may your springs
             of wisdom flow far and wide; may you be
             blessed with the very best and may God
             be with you in all your endeavors. Amen.

                                              This approbation was written for the original Hebrew edition

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