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Asking Forgiveness

            and Forgiving Others

                                           Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon

              he  goal  of  Yom  Kippur  is  ex-   Chaim 606:1). Therefore, a person is obli-  Do not be satisfied with a verbal apol-
              plained in the verses in Parashat   gated to reconcile with other people for   ogy. The one apologizing must commit
              Acharei Mot: “And [all this] shall   the sins he committed against them, as   to avoiding his sin in the future. The
        T be as an eternal statute for you;   Yom Kippur will not help him with these   Rambam writes that the person apolo-
        in the seventh month, on the tenth of   sins.                           gizing must placate the person he has
        the month, you shall afflict yourselves,                                wronged until the victim forgives him:
        and you shall not do any work neither   Many people customarily ask for forgive-  “Teshuva and Yom Kippur only atone
        the native nor the stranger who dwells   ness on Erev Yom Kippur from acquain-  for sins between man and G-d, such as
        among you. For on this day He shall effect   tances and family members against whom   a person who ate a forbidden food or
        atonement for you to cleanse you. Before   they have not really sinned. However, it is   engaged in forbidden sexual relations.
        Hashem, you shall be cleansed from all   important to realize that the main goal is   However, sins between man and man,
        your sins” (Vayikra 16:29–30).      to ask forgiveness from those people with   such as a person who injures a colleague,
                                            whom we have a real quarrel or conflict.  curses a colleague, steals from him, or
        The Torah establishes that Yom Kippur
        is intended for atonement for sins: “you   Is a person obligated to forgive someone   the like, will never be forgiven until he
                                                                                gives his colleague what he owes him and
        shall be cleansed from all your sins.” The   who apologizes to him when it is clear   appeases him. Even if a person restores
        character of the day is derived from this   that the person apologizing is only super-  the money that he owes [the person he
        goal. The Rambam describes Yom Kippur   ficially asking for forgiveness, but does   wronged], he must appease him and ask
        as “the apex of forgiveness and pardon for   not truly regret his actions and is likely to
        Israel,” and as a time of repentance:  repeat his sin? It seems not. To do teshuva,   him to forgive him” (Hilchot Teshuva 2:9).
                                            it is not enough to ask for forgiveness. One   The demand for true remorse is also
        “Yom Kippur is the time of teshuva for all,   must repent for his sins and take it upon   expressed on the part of the victim. As
        both individuals and the community at   himself not to do them again. As long as
        large. It is the apex of forgiveness and   the person apologizing does not do so, he   Rambam states: “It is forbidden for the
                                                                                person who suffered the injury to be cruel
        pardon for Israel. Accordingly, everyone   has not accomplished true teshuva and   and not to forgive the one who caused the
        is obligated to repent and confess on Yom   there is no obligation to forgive him. This
        Kippur” (Hilchot Teshuva 2:7).      principle emerges from the words of the   injury. This is not the course of behavior
                                                                                for a descendant of Israel. Instead, since
        Why does G-d forgive us? How should we   Rambam and applies both to sins against   the person who caused the injury asks and
        behave in order for Him to forgive us?   G-d and to sins against man:   pleads with him for forgiveness once or
                                                                                twice, and he knows that he has repented
        As is well known, we must repent for   “Similarly, someone who injures a col-  from his sin and regrets his evil deeds, he
        both transgressions between man and   league or damages his property does not   should forgive him. Whoever hastens to
        G-d (ם ֹוק ָּ מ ַל ם ָד ָא ןי ֵּ ב) as well as transgres-  attain atonement, even though he pays
        sions between man and his friend (ם ָד ָא ןי ֵּ ב   him what he owes, until he confesses and   grant forgiveness is praiseworthy and is
                                                                                regarded favorably by the Sages” (Hilchot
        ֹור ֵב ֲח ַל). Regarding transgressions between   makes a commitment never to do such   Chovel U’Mazik 5:10).
        a man and his friend, the Shulchan Aruch   a thing again, as implied by the phrase
        rules that “Yom Kippur does not atone   (Bamidbar 5:6), ‘any of the sins of man’”   It is clear that the victim is only required
        until he reconciles with his friend” (Orach   (Hilchot Teshuva 1:1).    to forgive if he knows that the person

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