Page 38 - HaMizrachi #15 2019 Chanuka USA
P. 38


                                                                                      David M. Weinberg

          prepare for war, the right way

         srael must prepare simultaneously   considered an essential element – the   demonstrating its capacity to car-
         for a broad range of war scenarios.   enemy.                              ry-out forceful ground offensives.
      IThis includes the development of a
      credible Israeli capacity to strike Ira-  The  enemy  has  learned  lessons  from   Ground maneuver also has a moral
      nian  nuclear targets;  preparation  for   every confrontation, becoming skilled   dimension. It is the duty of the gov-
      war on three fronts against an Irani-  in denying the IDF accurate intelli-  ernment and the military to remove
      an-led coalition; the ability to degrade   gence  and/or  minimizing the  effects   any threat to the home front as quickly
      enemy offensive capabilities in the two   of pinpoint Israeli firepower. Enemy   as possible. A situation in which civil-
      Palestinian arenas, and the ability to   techniques aimed at undercutting    ians become the IDF’s shield is unac-
      withstand intense missile wars.       the utility of the “Intel-Firepower”   ceptable.  This  amounts  to  the  aban-
                                            approach include fortifying facilities,   donment  of  the  civilian  population.
      In each of  these scenarios,  it will be   going underground, dispersing and   Consider the long-term suffering of
      vitally important  to quickly force an   hiding assets, using human shields,   Israelis who live in the Gaza envelope.
      end  to enemy fire on Israel’s popula-  and more.                            Or the daylong shutdown of greater
      tion centers; to deny Hezbollah and its                                      Tel Aviv that Islamic Jihad imposed on
      Iranian masters, as well as Hamas and   In most clashes, a deleterious dynamic   Israel in November.
      Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the comfort   has repeated itself. At first, Israel suc-
      of launching missiles at ease from ter-  cessfully launches a salvo of firepower   It should be recalled that at the
      ritories under their control.         based on accurate intelligence gath-   beginning of the Palestinian terror
                                            ered over a long period of time. Then   campaign  of  2000-2001,  the  govern-
      No air defense system will be enough.   follows a decline in the quality of tar-  ment was unwilling to maneuver
      Israel must have ground forces capable   geting intelligence with an attendant   with ground forces into Palestinian
      of swift and crushing maneuvers to    reduction in the number of targets     cities, and even within the IDF it was
      attain decisive outcomes by taking the   which justify a strike, and a recovery   common wisdom that the capture of
      fight deep into enemy territory and   by the enemy and a continuation of its   significant territory was unnecessary.
      breaking its will to fight.           attacks against Israel.                Hundreds  of  lives  were  lost  until  the

      In other words, Israel must bring     Subsequent Israeli frustration leads to   IDF  was  sent  into  the  cities  of  Judea
      back the doctrine known as hachra’ah   attacks on targets with high collateral   and Samaria. Then, indeed, the IDF
      (decisive outcome).                   damage or on useless targets, along-   was able to achieve solid security
                                            side an immense effort to acquire new   results through ground maneuver.
      The recent JISS National Security Plan
      (see argues against sole reli-  quality targets, which can lead to an   While no large conventional armies
      ance on the “Intel-Firepower” nexus   occasional success (but this does not   today threaten Israel, the situation
      – intelligence, special operations, and   alter the general picture). What fol-  could change. If a radical Muslim
      accurate stand-off firepower – which   lows is a prolonged war campaign,     Brotherhood regime should rise in a
      has been the IDF operational doctrine   leading to public anger and frustration   country like Egypt, or if the Syrian
      since the end of the First Lebanon War   and  limited  ground  forces  maneuver,   army is rebuilt after that country’s
      in 1982.                              not sufficiently effective to bring the   civil war, the IDF must be ready. Bear
                                            enemy to the point of collapse.        in mind that building ground forces
      This approach is an important                                                is  a  complex  process that  takes  time.
      adjunct, not an alternative, to signifi-  Consequently, a return to combat   Neglecting IDF  ground maneuver
      cant ground combat.                   along more traditional lines is inev-
                                            itable in many cases. This means       capabilities is, therefore, a dangerous
      The equation, “accurate intel multi-  maneuvering into enemy territory,      gamble.
      plied by precision-guided firepower   locating and destroying enemy forces.   David M. Weinberg is vice president
      equals destruction and collapse of the   Only this will break the spirit of the   of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy
      enemy,” has led to suboptimal out-    enemy. To  restore  deterrence,  Israel   and Security. His personal site is
      comes because it has not sufficiently   must not shy away from convincingly

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