Page 35 - HaMizrachi #15 2019 Chanuka USA
P. 35

Dr. Deena Zimmerman

              Religious or Secular

                      It’s Up to Us

            hanukah – our celebration       wisdom can then be explored and        Another meaning of bishvil is “in the
            of the Temple rededication      studied. In the face of an appropriate   path of.” Here, bishvil haTorah means
      Cafter the Maccabees’ victory         attitude, exposure to foreign thought   in the path of the Torah. The world
      against the Seleucids rulers  – tends   will not undermine one’s belief in G-d.   was created in the path of the Torah
      to lead to discussions regarding the                                         and thus the two are inseparable,
      conflict between Western civilization   The Sifra also takes having a        hence there is no distinction between
      and Torah. This is not surprising,    solid foundation in Torah into         the secular and the Divine.
      as Antiochus IV enacted a number      consideration but is more concerned
      of decrees with the clear purpose     about the balance. “You shall do my    If one truly believes that G-d created
      of preventing the observance of key   commandments and observe my rules      the  world  and  all  of  its  physical
      elements of the  Torah such  as  brit   to follow them I am the L-rd your    manifestations,  no  “secular study”
      mila and Shabbat. This is stressed in   G-d.”  What does it mean to follow   actually exists. If one views humanity
      the words of Al HaNissim:             them?                                  as a Divine creation, then study of the
                                                                                   humanities is the study of the Divine.
      “In the days of Matityahu, the son    That you make them primary (ikar)      What makes something “secular”
      of Yochanan the High Priest, the      and not secondary (tafel). That all    is actively removing G-d from the
      Hasmonean and his  sons,  when the    your business shall be in them. You    discipline, not the discipline itself.
      wicked Greek government rose up       shall not say, I have finished learning
      against Your people Israel to make    all the wisdom of Israel and now I     With this approach, there is no
      them forget Your Torah and violate    can go on and learn other wisdom.      conflict between a religious approach
      the decrees of Your will.”            This was further expanded by Rav       and the secular world, because
                                            Shimshon Raphael Hirsch (1808-1888),   they are inseparable. All areas of
      While the Maccabees were initially    specifically to discuss the balance    study, whether they be science, law
      victorious,  the   cultural  battle   between secular and Torah studies.     or  the  arts,  are  potentially  holy  if
      continued  with  increased  Hellenism   Secular studies can be pursued, but   one approaches them with that
      infiltrating the dynasty until its final   one has to be sure of the primacy of   perspective.
      demise. The connection was not lost   the Torah.
      in Rabbinic tradition. During the                                            If one realizes that the basis of wisdom
      civil war that followed the reign of   I would like to offer yet another     is the fear of G-d and prioritizes
      Shlomtzion the Queen, a certain sage   approach  by  going  back  to  the  very   Torah,  then  what  we  are  doing  is
      who knew “the wisdom of the Greeks”   beginning, the first verse of the      Torah.  Whether  it is  religious or
      contributed to the downfall of the    Torah. In his commentary on the        secular is up to us.
      Temple worship. “At that point, they   word  bereishit, usually translated as
      stated: cursed is the man who teaches   “in the beginning,” taking the  bet   1   Sotah 49b.
      his son the wisdom of the Greeks.”    to mean “in” and  reishit to mean
                                            “beginning,” as in the verse of Psalms   2   Psalms 111.
      Much has been written about this      quoted above. Rashi, however, offers   3   Vayikra 18:4.
      decree and its application to modern   another possibility: the  bet means
      secular studies. One approach is that   bishvil, usually translated as “for” and
      of the medieval biblical commentator,   says the creation of the world was
      Rav David Kimche (1160-1235): “The    bishvil haTorah, for the Torah. We
      beginning of wisdom is the fear of    generally understand Rashi to mean     Dr. Deena Zimmerman  is a pediatrician
      G-d.”  If one first assures their solid   that the Torah was the purpose of the   and Director of, a website for
      foundation in the fear of G-d,  other   Creation.                            women’s health and halacha

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