Page 31 - HaMizrachi #15 2019 Chanuka USA
P. 31


 “Elections Belong  to the People”                                                            1

      unapologetic commitment to the Land   Jewish Agency, and the Jewish          4.  Check your email or SMS to
      and State of Israel.                  National Fund in Israel.                  receive your verification number
      With Klal Yisrael, we strive to       You can impact hundreds of  shli-         and enter the number you
      strengthen   Jewish   communities     chim, youth movements and campus          received .
      around the world and address the con-  leaders, educational programs in      5.  Proceed to payment and hit
      cerns of increasing anti-Semitism and   Israel and joint programs between       “submit.” Pay just $7.50 with a
      BDS activities on campus.             the Diaspora and the State of Israel.     credit card. (This is to help cover
                                                                                      the cost of conducting the election
      We seek to influence the Zionist      You can participate in initiatives for
      National   Institutions,  channel-    combating BDS and antisemitism            and serves to ensure integrity in
      ing valuable resources towards        on campus.                                the voting process.)
      strengthening communities and         You can help OIC delegates work to     In just five short steps you can influ-
      Torah values through education        increase support and funding of the    ence decisions for the next five years .
      for both women and men and to
      financially  assist  the  younger  gen-  Masa subsidy program which supports   In the coming weeks, the OIC will
      eration on educational Israel-based   gap year programs in Israel, aiming    hold many election events. See our
      programs.                             to increase the number of young par-   Facebook page and elections website
                                            ticipants in Israel-based programs for   to stay updated.  All Jewish streams
      WHAT IS DECIDED IN THE WORLD          American Religious Zionist youth.      and organizations in the United
      ZIONIST CONGRESS?                     “Don’t ever forget that a small group   States are investing great resources
      Since Theodore Herzl’s first Zionist   of thoughtful people can change the   in these elections. Each of us needs
      Congress in 1897, the WZC has con-    world. It’s the only thing that ever   to vote as well as to convince others
      tinued  to  meet  regularly.  Upon  the   has.” By joining together and voting   of the importance of the vote.
      establishment  of  the  State  of  Israel,   OIC, we can ensure our voice is heard   Our victory will ensure that the can-
      the WZC became “The Parliament        and that our concerns are brought to   dles we light on Chanukah will con-
      of the Jewish People” and gave voice   the forefront.                        tinue to illuminate the way for years
      to world Jewry in decisions affecting                                        to come, with the light of hope, Avodat
      Israeli society and the Israel-Diaspora   HOW TO VOTE                        Hashem, Torah and a strong State of
      relationship. The outcome of the elec-  The elections take place during a    Israel.
      tions determines how many individ-    50-day period, from January 21, 2020
      uals  from  the  OIC  slate  will  serve  as   to March 11, 2020. Any Jewish-Amer-  There  are 13 slates,  but  only  ONE
      delegates at the WZC in Jerusalem in   ican turning 18 by June 30th, 2020 is   representing the alliance of major
      October 2020.                                                                Orthodox     organizations:   The
                                            eligible to vote in these elections.
                                                                                   orthodox israel coalition –
      WHY YOUR VOTE IS IMPORTANT            FIVE SIMPLE STEPS:                     mizrachi: vote torah!

      The annual combined budget of the
                                            1.  Go to       The OIC Campaign Committee
      Zionist institutions is $850 million.
      You have the opportunity to affect    2.  Click the Voter Registration
      how these funds are utilized.             button on the bottom left of the
                                                page .
      You can influence the Jewish future
      by  electing  the  leadership  of  the   3.  Fill in your information and    1   Abraham Lincoln.
      World Zionist Organization, the           submit the form.                   2   Aaron Sorkin.

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