Page 30 - HaMizrachi #15 2019 Chanuka USA
P. 30

                      “ELECTIONS BELONG TO THE PEOPLE”

        “Elections Belong  to the People”

                ith antisemitism on the     miracle), few details about the nature   values – which incorporate both
                rise  worldwide  and  BDS   and content of the holiday are offered.   the love of the State of Israel and
      Wthreatening the legitimacy           Some scholars claim that Chazal        Torah teachings relevant to modern
      of the State of Israel, it is imperative   opposed the Hasmoneans, attempting   society – be the guiding values
      we come together, armed with the      to ‘erase’ the memory of their actions,   in the Jewish people’s  National
      spirit  of  struggle  and  pride  and  fight   due to their strong differences in   Institutions.
      for our values as the Maccabees did in   values and ideology. Nevertheless, the
      the days of Chanukah.                 holiday is widely celebrated today.    Every five years, the World Zionist
                                                                                   Organization (WZO)  holds an inter-
      More than ever, we need strong Reli-  During the years of the fight for Jewish   national assembly of Jews – The World
      gious Zionist organizations cooper-   independence and  the  establishment   Zionist Congress (WZC). Delegates
      ating with one another and with the   of the State of Israel, the leaders of the   from the United States are determined
      State of Israel.                      Zionist secular movement saw Chanu-    by public elections.
                                            kah as a symbol of Jewish nationalism
      The  upcoming  elections  for  the  dele-                                    The upcoming elections to the
      gates of the World Zionist Congress   in Eretz Israel – an idealization of Jews   WZC are our way of influencing
      present an opportunity for every one   fighting for their liberty against for-  the future of the Jewish people and
      of us to ensure that this happens and   eign rule and threats of annihilation.   making  sure  that  the Maccabean
      that we have serious representation at   Secular Zionism considered this holi-  light – that the Mizrachi World
      the World Zionist Congress.           day only national, with no reference to   Movement sees as combining a love
      As Thomas Jefferson once said: “We    religious values. In a song once sung   for Torah, Halacha and the State of
      do not have government by the major-  in kibbutz schools, the words: “miracle   Israel – continues to burn bright,
      ity. We have government by the major-  we did not have, we cannot find an oil   and even stronger than before.
      ity who participate.”                 tin” (loosely translated) hint at how
                                            they considered the Chashmonaim        THE OIC
      By voting orthodox israel coa-        a prototype of the new Jew, a fighter   Recently, we have made history.
      lition – mizrachi: vote torah         in  his  essence  and  only  spiritual  in  a   Understanding the importance of the
      you show your support for Orthodox    national, cultural  context.           elections, leading Orthodox groups in
      Judaism, the Jewish people and the    Religious Zionism, led by the Miz-     the US have joined forces, creating the
      State of Israel. With your help, we   rachi movement, bridged the gap        Orthodox Israel Coalition (OIC). This
      can gain significant representation   between halachic Judaism and the sec-  is a broad-based coalition of the major
      in the Zionist Congress.
                                            ular approach to Chanukah. Over the    Religious Zionist and mainstream
      Chanukah  is  a  holiday  that  resonates   years, our Movement has shown the   Orthodox organizations that have
      throughout the Jewish people and      value of renewed Jewish sovereignty    represented Orthodox Jewry in the
      even broadcasts its universal message   while acknowledging the Divine mir-  WZC for over 100 years. OIC serves
      to all nations of the world. Though   acle of the survival of Jewish values   as the only Orthodox coalition with
      that was not always the case.         and the continuation of the Torah.     operations and programs in Israel and

      Early mentions of Chanukah can be     We believe the State of Israel and     throughout the world.
      found in several places in the Mish-  the timeless values of the Torah are   The vision of OIC is simple. We are
      nah and Talmud. Apart from the        inseparable.                           dedicated to the timeless values of
      instructions that the Chanukah can-   Now the National Religious Move-       Torah  and  Halacha,  while  maintain-
      dles should be visible from the outside   ment in Israel and in the US is facing   ing strong relations with all Jewish
      for “pirsum hanes” (publicizing the   a real test. It is imperative that our   denominations and having a firm and

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