Page 26 - HaMizrachi #15 2019 Chanuka USA
P. 26


                                                                                 Rabbi Moshe Berliner

                      Chanukah and Marriage:

                          Routine and Renewal

                hy do we light Chanukah     repeat themselves turn into habits     balancing one’s own life with that of
                candles?  Pirsumei Nisa –   is important and often very helpful.   their spouse.
      Wto  proclaim  the  miracle           Think of the energy it takes for a child
      of finding the jar of pure oil with   to learn to tie his shoes. It soon turns   Understanding Chanukah can deepen
      the High Priest’s seal. We place the   into  a  habit and  the  child’s  energy is   our awareness of what is needed. Why
      candles  where  others  see  them.  Until   free to conquer new frontiers. Things   might the Sfat Emet tie the lighting of
      what hour may we light the candles?   that have no special meaning should    the  Chanukah  candles  to  the idea of
      For as long as they fulfill their purpose   be turned into habits. The danger,   the dangers of routine?
      – “od shetichaleh regel min hashuk” –   of course, is that things that need   Because light symbolizes wisdom.
      until there are no longer people in the   thought, intention, dedication and
      market place to be inspired by viewing   care may also become routine and    “Who is the wise man? He who
      the candles marking the Chanukah      thereby lose their essential quality   understands the consequences of
      miracle.                              of   consciousness  and   intention.   his  actions.”  A  husband  or  wife
                                            These things must remain special,      realizes that the deepest meaning
      The Sfat Emet adds a remarkable       remembered and cherished.              of their actions and words are their
      dimension to the Chanukah story.                                             consequences   to   their  spouse.
      He interprets the halachic phrase     A  central  challenge  to  our  spiritual   They  are  wise  because  they  treat
      “od shetichaleh regel min hashuk”     life is to develop the artistry of finding   their marriage as a work of art that
      metaphorically. He points out that    the  balance  between  the  routine  and   they create and recreate every day
      the word regel, foot, if read as hergal,”   the new, the standard and the unique.   through  their  actions.  They  are  fully
      means routine, habit. In his unique   When done well, routine gives stability   committed  to  the  agreements  and
      reading, we learn that one also lights   and security. Too much routine leads   understandings that serve as the
      the  Chanukah  candles to ensure that   to boredom and stagnation. Newness   bedrock of their marriage “routine.”
      the central theme of Chanukah, the    and change add  vitality  and renewal.   They are also deeply concerned that
      great miracle which was done for      Too much change leads to instability.  their marriage is filled with vitality
      the Jewish nation, does not become    This issue is central to marriage.     and renewal. With this balance, they
      routine. It is vital that the remarkable   Marriage  needs  stability –  living   build their  Shalom Bayit (marital
      miracle of Chanukah not lose its      together with the joint understandings   harmony). They bring the Divine
      powerful message of G-d’s miraculous   which  we’ve come  to agree on.  Two   Presence to their unique marriage.
      intervention in our lives.
                                            individuals,  often  so  different  from   We light Chanukah candles to
      This idea is a central theme in       each other, build their lives together.   proclaim  G-d’s  miraculous  presence
      our spiritual life. We believe that   The early stage of marriage is focused   in our world. We build fulfilling
      everything is from G-d. However,      on the work of building their unique   marriages to bring the Divine Presence
      we are created such that things that   marriage. This is not always easy but is   into our personal lives.
      repeat themselves become devalued.    nonetheless needed to create the rules
      We soon experience them as “just the   and  assumptions  of  their  marriage.
      way things are.” We lose our sense of   However, it is important to remember
      deep appreciation for the everyday    that marriage also needs newness       Rabbi Moshe Berliner is an author, M.S.W. and
      miracles, because, well, they happen   and renewal in order to maintain its   therapist specializing in family and marriage.
      every day. We take them for granted.  vitality. That vitality doesn’t always   His book “To Build and to Bond: Living Well in a
                                            come automatically. It demands         Jewish Marriage,” from Mizrachi Press, is now
      This issue is complex. On the one     thought, investment, knowing each      available  for  purchase  from  Machon  Netivot:
      hand, the fact that things that       other and the needs of the marriage,  •   +972-2-625-8325

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