Page 24 - HaMizrachi #15 2019 Chanuka USA
P. 24
Rabbi Dr. Yosef Bronstein
hanukah is often portrayed Within this second perspective, Rav the comprehension of even Moshe
as the story of an oppressed Kook raises the question of hierarchy. Rabbeinu, the archetypal teacher of
CJewish minority rising in We know that both the Torah and Torah.
revolt against an oppressive foreign the Jewish people are in some ways Of course, this does not mean
force. However, in addition to this expressions of G-d and both were that every action of every Jew is
inspirational narrative, Chanukah is created prior to the world. However, automatically sanctioned by G-d and
also the unfortunate story of a Jewish is it possible to identify one of these takes precedence over the mitzvot
civil war. The tensions between entities as being ‘closer’ to G-d and as of the Torah. Just the opposite – in
Hellenized and traditional Jews had ‘preceding’ the other? order for the Jewish people’s essence
been simmering for decades when After analyzing this question from to be actualized and revealed we need
Matityahu initiated the rebellion different angles, Rav Kook ultimately to follow the Torah’s dictates. This is
by publicly killing a Hellenized Jew particularly true in our current exilic
who was offering a sacrifice to the concludes that the Jewish people existence when there is no Menorah
precede the Torah:
Greek gods. In the ensuing war, the in the Beit HaMikdash and the light
Chashmonaim fought not only the From an inner perspective, the soul of the Jewish people does not shine
Greeks but also their Hellenized of the Jewish people is the root of the brightly in a revealed manner.
brethren. Torah… the Torah was created for the
Jewish people. But even as we closely adhere to
While we understand that the the fixed letters of Moshe’s Torah,
Chashmonaim were certainly justified The soul of the Jewish people existed this teaching of Rav Kook should
in their fight for the honor of G-d and prior to the Torah. Though the significantly impact our attitude
His Torah, our commemoration of potency of the collective Jewish soul towards other Jews during moments
Chanukah raises a broader question. is at times concealed, it is the closest of incommensurate debate. Yes, the
Are we celebrating the civil war? created entity to G-d, figuratively Chashmonaim were certainly justified
Should we be joyfully recounting the situated at an even higher point than and even obligated to launch a civil
defeat of the Hellenistic Jews at the the Torah itself. 2 war on behalf of the Torah. Yes, we
hands of the holy Chashmonaim? Rav Kook locates this idea in a too at times must take principled
What should our attitude be towards Midrashic teaching regarding stands on behalf of the Torah which
this sort of infighting? the construction of the Mishkan. might unfortunately pit us against
••• According to the Midrash, even as other Jews. But we should always
Moshe grasped the construction remember that deeply embedded
In a wide-ranging piece, Rav Kook in our fellow Jew is a spark of the
reflects on the relationship between intricacies of every other element Menorah – a flame that binds us all
Torah and the Jewish people. On the of the Mishkan, he was unable together and rises higher than even
to comprehend how to forge the
one hand, the Zohar teaches of the the Torah itself.
unity of the Jewish people and the Menorah. Ultimately, G-d himself
Torah, or as Rav Kook paraphrases needed to miraculously create the
it, “[they] truly have the same Menorah. 1 Shemona Kevatzim 8:157.
soul.” However, a hallmark of Rav Moshe represents the Torah. The 2 Rav Tzvi Yehuda Kook (Sichot HaRav Tzvi
Kook’s philosophy is the embrace of Menorah and its light represent the Yehuda: Am Yisrael, p. 40-41) sources this idea in
paradoxes. Characteristically, despite collective soul of the Jewish people. a Midrash (Tanna Dvei Eliyahu chapter 15). He
adds that the primacy of the Jewish people is also
the supernal unity of the Torah and Moshe’s inability to understand the implied by the formulation of Birchat HaTorah:
the Jewish people, Rav Kook develops workings of the Menorah indicates “Blessed are you G-d… Who chose us from all
another perspective which sees them that the root of the Jewish people is of the nations and gave us His Torah,” in which
the selection of the Jewish people precedes the
as interrelated but distinct entities. even higher than the Torah itself. Giving of the Torah.
The Torah is a body of ideas and texts The light of the Jewish people – Rabbi Dr. Yosef Bronstein is a faculty
and the Jewish people are a group of the light of the Menorah that we member of Michlelet Mevaseret
human beings. kindle anew every year – is beyond Yerushalayim and Yeshiva University
24 | Background illustration of Rav Kook courtesy of