Page 27 - HaMizrachi #15 2019 Chanuka USA
P. 27


 Rabbi Moshe Berliner                                                                Dr. David Pelcovitz

                 The Power of Time and Connection

                                  in Moral Education

             core  predictor  of   which    families in which parents and children   the children of youth” (Tehillim 127:4).
             families produce children who   eat dinner together every night. The   The obvious question is what is the
      A grow up to be described as          importance of “eating dinner” together   connection between a warrior holding
      a  mensch  is  the  amount  and  quality   is not the eating or the dinner; it’s the   his bow and arrow and childhood?
      of time spent by parents with their   uninterrupted, focused interaction     The Kotzker answers that just like
      children. In a carefully researched   that seems to bear such valuable fruit.   with an archer, the closer he pulls the
      national survey of working parents in   Children have sensitive radar and can   bow, the further and straighter the
      the  United States,  the  Pew  Research   tell whether their parents are really   arrow will go, so too, with children:
      Center documented the reality that    there and paying attention to them,    the closer we hold them, the further
      most children grow up in a household   or if their minds are preoccupied     and straighter they go.
      in which both of their parents work.   with concerns about work or other
      Many parents find it difficult to     problems. Making time for your child   In a classic longitudinal study,
      balance the demands of work and       entails  truly  being  present  both  in   USC Sociology professor, Vernon
      family. Most parents (86% of mothers   mind and body, and providing the      Bengston, asked a basic question
      and 81% of fathers), say they feel    undivided attention that children      about  the internalization of  religious
      rushed at least sometimes, while 40%   need to develop and internalize proper   values. Looking over the span of four
      of full-time working moms say they    values.                                generations, what kind of parenting
      always feel rushed.                                                          practice best predicts which great-
                                            In addition to eating meals together,   grandchildren  would  continue  to
      The amount of time parents spend      routine family rituals such as regularly   share  the  basic  religious  values  and
      with children is not necessarily      scheduled family vacations, bedtime    practices of their great-grandparents?
      correlated  with    positive  child   rituals, and holiday and birthday      Bengston’s  findings  were    what
      outcomes. Rather, it is the quality   celebrations are more important to a   common-sense    would   dictate:  a
      of the time. For example, there is    child’s healthy development than has   consistent religious message, a lack of
      evidence that when parents are        been previously appreciated. Research   hypocrisy demonstrated by practicing
      stressed, irritable, and sleep-deprived,   has documented that children appear   what was preached, and marriage
      the time they spend with their        to benefit in a very powerful manner   to  a  partner  who  was  committed  to
      children can actually be harmful. In   from partaking in regularly scheduled,   carrying on in the family religious
      contrast, quality time spent reading   structured and predictable activities.   traditions. Most importantly, however,
      to a child, enjoying a family dinner   For example, studies indicate that    the  most  powerful  predictor  of  what
      together, or engaging in calm one-on-  families who value these activities and   determined whether a child who
      one discussion is clearly associated   invest time and energy in ensuring    left  religious  practice  returned  was
      with positive outcomes in children.   that children experience these rituals   the level of warmth and closeness
                                            in a meaningful and predictable        between parent and child. As long
      In a fascinating series of studies,   manner, raise children who are less    as at least one parent continued to
      researchers have found a direct       anxious, feel more “lovable,” and      metaphorically hold their child’s hand,
      correlation  between  the  number  of   have more positive self-concepts.    even after they left religious practice,
      times a week parents eat dinner with   Conversely, when these activities are   the continued warmth, connection,
      their children and their children’s   disrupted because of traumatic family   and love made it more likely that the
      risk for drug abuse. Families that eat   events such as divorce or chronic   child would ultimately return to the
      dinner together once a week have      illness, children are at increased     religious tradition in which they were
      children with a lower risk for drug   risk for a wide range of behavioral,   raised.
      abuse than those that never do. With   academic and emotional difficulties.
      each increasing night that parents and                                       Dr. David Pelcovitz  holds the Gwendolyn
                                                                                   and Joseph  Straus Chair in Psychology
      children eat together, drug abuse risk   The Kotzker Rebbe has a beautiful   and Jewish Education at the Azrieli
      decreases to the point where there    interpretation of the verse, “Like     Graduate  School of Jewish Education and
      is virtually no risk for drug abuse in   arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are   Administration at Yeshiva University

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