Page 28 - HaMizrachi #15 2019 Chanuka USA
P. 28
Rabbi Zev Leff
Thanking G-d for Misfortune
and Deliverance
abbeinu Yona writes in Sha’arei deliverance, and mighty acts, but also responded, “You will see My back, but
Teshuva: When one receives for the battles. My face you cannot see.” The Ktav
RG-d’s chastisement and as a Sofer explains: “My back – when the
consequence improves his ways, it The Talmud says that those who world reaches its completion, then you
is proper for him to rejoice in his composed Megillat Ta’anit (the list of will understand in hindsight, but My
sufferings, for they brought him all the days commemorating miracu- face – with foresight, as the events are
great benefit, and he should thank lous deliverances for the Jewish people unfolding, you will not comprehend.”
G-d for them as he would for other during the period of the Second
successes... and one who truly trusts Temple) cherished calamities. In other Why does Parashat Mikeitz end in
in G-d should hope in the midst of his words, only those who could appreci- the middle of the story, with Binyam-
distress that the darkness will be the ate the Divine involvement in misfor- in’s fate hanging in the balance, rather
cause of his light... As our Sages, of tune could truly place the deliverances than with Yosef revealing himself?
blessed memory, said, “If I did not fall, in their proper perspective. The story of Yosef and his brothers,
I could not have arisen; if I had not Our inability to perceive the Divine in says the Chafetz Chaim, contains a
been in darkness, it would not have our suffering is a result of our limited good lesson for the future. We often
been light for me.” 1 perspective. imagine that when Mashiach comes,
days if not weeks will be needed to
We do not celebrate our salvation Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz used explain the many tragedies of our
alone, but also the misfortune and suf- to give the following allegory. When a history. But it is not so. With only
fering that necessitated that salvation. small child draws a person, it is obvi- two words – Ani Yosef, “I am Yosef” –
ous from the start that the circle on
The suffering and the deliverance are top is the face, the line going down Yosef cleared up all his brothers’ ques-
to be seen as one indivisible unit. If is the body, and the lines projecting tions. So too, when G-d reveals Him-
someone dug a hole in a public thor- out are the arms and legs. But when a self and the complete picture of the
oughfare into which someone else fell master artist paints a person, he may world becomes known, only two words
and broke his legs, he would deserve start with a stroke of bright red, which – Ani Hashem, “I am G-d” – will be
little thanks for offering to pay the to the uninitiated viewer appears necessary.
medical expenses. But if a doctor has to ruin the canvas. Only when the The Sages, who divided the weekly
to break an arm in order to reset it painting is completed will it be obvi- Torah readings, intentionally ended
properly, he deserves thanks for both ous why the stroke of red was needed Mikeitz with a cliffhanger – to teach
the breaking and the resetting. So too, for contrast. So, too, G-d is paint- us that although all is ultimately for
must we recognize G-d’s providential ing a masterful panorama of history. the good, sometimes one must wait
hand in our suffering as well as our As the painting develops, there are until “next week” to understand how
deliverance. strokes that we see as unnecessary or this is so.
detrimental. But when the painting is
The Sfat Emet explains that the days finished, it will be obvious that every
of Chanukah were designated as days stroke was necessary for the perfec- 1 Midrash Tehillim 22.
of Hallel veHoda’a (praise and thanks- tion of the picture. That is what the 2 Shabbat 13b.
giving): Hallel for the miraculous Talmud means when it says there is no 3 Berachot 10a.
salvation, and Hoda’a for the suffer- artist like G-d. 3 4 Shemot 33:23.
ing and misfortune that preceded it.
Thus in the Al Hanissim prayer added When Moshe asked G-d to explain
to Amidah during Chanukah, we the suffering of the righteous and Rabbi Zev Leff serves as the Rav of Moshav
not only thank G-d for His miracles, the prosperity of the wicked, G-d Matityahu
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