Page 36 - HaMizrachi #15 2019 Chanuka USA
P. 36

Rabbi Azarya Berzon

                     What is a Miracle?

            he idea of a miracle is prob-   and its Laws, has the power to change   us to the abyss of a bottomless pit, to
            lematic. From a philosophical   Nature and bring about miracles.       the point of destruction, not only of
     Tpoint of view, the foundation                                                ourselves but of the world around us
      of all science is the Law of Causality.   Nevertheless, the real problem is not   too.
      This law states that whatever happens   the possibility of miracles, but rather,
      in the world of Nature is a result of a   the necessity of miracles. Doesn’t the   G-d is very tolerant with us. He waits
      cause which both preceded it, and     concept of miracle imply that G-d’s    patiently,  as  we  say  on  the  Yamim
      which brought about the effect in a   intervention in a miraculous manner    Noraim,  ֹובּו ׁש ְּ ב א ָּ ל ֶ א ת ֵּ מ ַ ה תֹומ ְּ ב ץ ּ ֹפ ְ חַי אלֹ י ִּ כ
      necessary way. The laws of Nature     is a result of some mistake or failure   – G-d does not desire the demise of
      have a power unto themselves. What-   in the mechanics of Nature, i.e. in the   the wicked, but rather his repentance.
      ever is, is a result of a previous cause.   original plan of Creation?       Sometimes though, human beings go
      And that cause, in turn, is the result   Our  belief  in  miracles  is  based  on   too far, and G-d will not stand by and
      of a cause that preceded it. And so on.   another belief – freedom of choice. It   allow history to take its course. If He
      This chain of cause and effect doesn’t   is this principle which underlies the   were to do so, His purpose in Creation
                                                                                   would be undermined. The underlying
      lend itself to change; it is not subject   tenet of  schar veOnesh (reward and   purpose of nes – miracle – is to uphold
      to alteration. All of science is based on   punishment). What sense would pun-  the possibility of the fulfillment of the
      this principle.                       ishment and reward make if man’s       teleological goal of Creation. We can
                                            actions  are  determined,  if  everything
      It is worth noting that the British phi-                                     never know when a situation will arise
      losopher, David Hume, questioned      we do is  a result of a  previous cause   to precipitate a miracle. But we do
                                            which makes our actions necessary?
      the principle of causality. He demon-                                        know that the purpose of the miracle
      strated that the principle of Cause   The belief in Free Will is based not   is to stop Man before he goes too far.
      and Effect cannot claim for itself any   only on our Torah, but on our intu-  Chazal constantly emphasize that the
      scientific, empirical proof.  Empirical   ition  as  well.  We  experience  freedom   ultimate purpose of G-d’s Creation
      evidence can merely demonstrate that   of choice on a daily basis, constantly.   was and is Klal Yisrael.  The Divine
      Event A took place before Event B, but   For there to be Free Choice, we must   purpose is achieved through the one
      cannot establish that Event A caused   be imperfect. If we were perfect, there   people who proclaim the existence
      Event B.                              could be no Good and Evil. It is only   of the One G-d. Without this people,
                                            because of our imperfection that       there could be no universe. Hence,
      Were we to accept the empirical       responsibilities and challenges are
      argument and reject the principle of   imposed upon us to achieve higher     in the case of Chanukah – and other
      Cause and Effect, we could suggest    levels of existence.                   instances throughout history – the
      a simple understanding of miracles.                                          miracle of the victory was necessary to
      There are no definite laws of Nature.   If we are to be challenged, we must   save Klal Yisrael and facilitate the ful-
                                                                                   fillment of the Divine plan.
      A miracle is any event that is a result   exist in an imperfect universe. Because
      of G-d’s intervention in the course of   the universe is imperfect, our role in it
      events.                               is to metaken (correct or perfect) our-  1   See Brachot 6a. G-d’s Tefillin contain the
                                            selves and it.                            verse “Who is like you Israel? One nation in
      However, even if we accept the clas-                                            the Land.” Also see Rashi’s commentary  at
      sical approach to Causality and the   Now we can understand the neces-          the beginning of Bereishit.
      Laws of Nature, we can still main-    sity for miracles. Since G-d created us
      tain that the philosophical problem is   as imperfect beings, there is a need,   Rabbi Azarya Berzon has over 4,800
      really not severe. To one who believes   on occasion, for Him to intervene   shiurim online and has served as a
      in G-d as Creator, it is simple enough   through the medium of a miracle.    Scholar-in-Residence in many communities
      to say that He, the Author of Nature   Human freedom can sometimes lead      worldwide

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