Page 17 - HaMizrachi Tisha B'av 5782 USA
P. 17

Sha'arei Shmuos Beit Midrash (PHOTO: WIKIMEDIA COMMONS)  Midreshet Lindenbaum Beit Midrash (PHOTO: MEIR ZAROVSKY)
      it seems to me that the complete exclusion of the Religious   Zionism at arm’s length. It is certainly possible that benefits
      Zionist beit midrash from the Charedi world, as though Reli-  and flaws are inseparable, whether in their batei midrash or
      gious Zionists were tzedukim, is a mistaken policy. Charedim   in ours. Yet, we should learn to distinguish between them,
      should learn to distinguish between rabbis and between a   critically assessing what is right and beneficial to import,
      society’s subgroups – just as the Charedi world asks non-  and what price is appropriate to pay in doing so.
      Charedim to do concerning its own sectors and leading
      figures. Even if maintaining distinct educational systems   Advantages of the “other beit midrash”
      and batei midrash remains legitimate, there is no reason to   Choice and love of G-d: The Religious Zionist community does
      refrain from being acquainted with the rich Torah literature   not assume its youth will automatically be receptive to
      that Religious Zionism has produced. Moreover, though   their community’s aspirations, and so Religious Zionist
      Charedim often pretend otherwise, the dangers of liberal-  education tries to provide students with internal motivation
      ism are present even within the Charedi camp. Rejecting   to remain religious. Religious Zionist education focuses on
      the Religious Zionist world wholesale does not protect us   love far more than on fear. At the Carlebach minyan I attend
      from it, and on the contrary, we have much to learn from   on Friday night, I see Religious Zionist young men praying
      Religious Zionists who have strengthened themselves reli-  with remarkable energy, a countenance of devotion to G-d
      giously despite exposure to elements of liberal culture and   on their faces. Charedi prayer, by contrast, can be cold and
      ideology.                                        fearsome – in particular in its Litvish incarnations. For
      It seems to me that despite the differences, both com-  those who take to the Charedi style, it may work well; but
      munities would benefit from a cross-pollination of batei   there is little available for those who would benefit from a
      midrash along the lines of Beit Shammai and Beit Hillel.   more spiritually animated touch. Teaching children to serve
      Our differences should not be ignored, but neither should   Hashem because they want to rather than (just) because
      they be exaggerated. Dialogue, not cold shoulders, is the   they have to is a Religious Zionism strength the Charedi
      response to our decreasing but ongoing estrangement. We   world would do well to replicate.
      share many aims and goals while disagreeing about strategy   The Religious Zionist approach is not without its dangers.
      and execution. Institutional unification at the moment is   Fear of Heaven is an absolute virtue and mitzvah obser-
      neither possible nor desirable, but mutual understanding   vance is an absolute duty. Basing religiosity on personal
      may be within our grasp. The convergence produced by   desire could lead to a waning of religiosity when that desire
      circumstances outside our control should now be advanced   diminishes. But fear of Heaven can wane too. I myself try
      through conscious efforts.                       to combine the two approaches in my own life and in the
      In fairness, our communities do not bear equal blame for   lives of my students.
      the lack of dialogue. Serious Religious Zionists have never   The focus on a personal connection with G-d has produced
      denied that they have much to learn from Charedim. They   a serious study of emunah in the Religious Zionist sector.
      admire our resistance to secularism, and many Religious   Tanach, aggadah, Talmudic philosophy, and the important
      Zionist rabbis have studied in Charedi institutions. To one   texts of Jewish thought supplement lectures in hashkafah
      degree or another, the Religious Zionist community knows   from the heads of Religious Zionist yeshivot. The aim is to
      it can benefit from engaging with us; when the two groups   know and understand Judaism from within itself, in the
      of yeshivah students held their joint panel, no objections   spirit of the vision of Rabbi Shimshon Rafael Hirsch, who
      were voiced from the Religious Zionist side of the fence.  promoted a “self-aware Judaism”.
      It is time for Charedim to recognize that the same is true in   One of the serious problems in Charedi yeshivah education
      the other direction. The benefits of dialogue may strike the   today is students’ lack of familiarity with the philosophical
      Charedi reader as Pyrrhic; some may seem to derive from   foundations of Judaism, which can breed misunderstanding
      the very flaws that caused Charedi society to keep Religious   of why we learn Torah in the first place. Following the

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